* Restricted Information: denizens of Trikāf only
Trikāf is an isolated land. To the West it is separated from war-torn Hulmo by the Mountains of Cloud. To the North lie the Ash-Wastes, and beyond them the great volcanic wasteland of the Desert of Fire. To the South East are the high peaks of the Broken Teeth Range, through which a few dangerous passes are open in Summer to the Land of Harrig. To the South West the Red Desert guards the approaches to Hell. Only the River Sarif provides any real lines of communication to the rest of the Underworld. Upstream, to the North, the sparsely-populated Upper Sarif Valley is separated from Hulmo by the Misty Hills. Downstream, to the East, the Sarif is navigable through the Far Hills to its confluence with the mighty River Vclo, and so to Kargen and Harrig. But these are all long and perilous journeys.
Trikāf is therefore a poor land, and a barbarous one. Its people are mostly orcs, with a few human and dwarvish slaves. The predominant Alignment is Evil/Chaos, with the many warring factions putting their Faith in various TERRIK and ZAKEL-inspired Cults. There is no overall leadership. The main towns, of Blezht, Terz, Kner and Ved, are all fought over by an anarchical mix of militias, warbands, Brotherhoods and Cultists. Occasionally a Despot or Warlord will seize overall control of most of a town, but few last long. Hellish infiltrators, troublemakers and deserters only add fuel to the flames. And then there is the influence of the Academy of ChaosMasters, sometimes to be found at Mount Griht, up in the Mountains of Cloud...
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