At the end of each running period Players should please submit their characters fully-worked out experience claims on the following basis. Experience may be claimed part way through a running period by agreement (Note however that the level divisors in 7. below make it advantageous to calculate for a longer period).
The Continuous Level Advancement system means that all experience and pluses are earned immediately. Calculation at the end of a running period is simply for administrative convenience. If it makes a difference when running, experience earned may therefore be taken into account immediately (but without prejudice to any subsequent experience claim).
Some pluses and experience will have been awarded during running. Include these in the claim, but they do not preclude claiming other pluses and experience (unless expressly disallowed during running).
Steps 1. to 9. inclusive to be carried out separately for each experience class (i.e. Ft / Th / Bn / Cl / Dr / El, etc.):
1. Specify level at start of period.
2. Itemise activities for which experience is claimed, in chronological order with dates or other sufficient information to enable them to be checked against plots / records.
(Army Combat only) State %age Success (not Danger or Saving Throw) rolls
3. Mark exceptional results by the following marks against the activity:
Notation: | Meaning: | Plus: | Exp. Mod: |
x | failure | +0.1 | /10 |
normal result | +1 | *1 | |
* | particular success | +1 | *2 |
** | outstanding success | +2 | *4 |
*** | world saved single-handedly (again!) | +2 | *8 |
For Army Combat use this notation to indicate the Danger rolls: x denotes D <= 0, * D = 90-99, ** D >= 100.
4. (Th & El only) Mark pluses claimed against the activity. Exceptional results earn pluses as above. Treat routine successes as 0.1.
5. (Th &El only) Total pluses by Thievish Activity / Elementalist Spell, and state a grand total for all Activities / Spells.
(Army Combat only) Total Success rolls. Multiply a Success roll marked for exceptional danger as follows: x = /2, * = *2, ** = *4.
6. Calculate base experience as follows. Multiply by Exp. Mods. stated above for exceptional activities (not for Army Combat):
Success rolls may be claimed as Spell Levels of Cl / Dr / El experience by dividing them by 10. E.g. S57% counts as 57 for Ft experience, 5.7 Spell Levels of Cl or Dr experience or 5.7 pluses multiplied by Spell Level of El experience (and would give e.g +1.1 on a L5 El Spell and +0.1 on a L2 El Spell).
7. Divide by level at start of period (from 1. above).
8. Divide by a factor taken from the following typical values, but which may be varied by as much as half or double to reflect the overall danger of the missions undertaken:
Subjective adjustments of experience may be made by varying this factor. Please feel free to suggest these, with reasons.
9. Claim any experience for which no formula is given above, with such justification as may be appropriate.
10. Claim any Clerical credit / debit, itemising cr/dr-worthy actions / inactions, amount claimed for each, and subtracting cr expended during period. Note confirmations of cr by Commune with dates.
11. State any training / learning done during the period.
12. Update possessions lists / finances.
All claims will be subject to my agreement. This is not intended as a horse-trading exercise. Please be honest, and you will be more likely to get your experience. I may adjust claims up as well as down.
When your characters experience has been agreed, update the Character Specification spreadsheet. Calculate effect on abilities of pluses and experience earned and of training completed. Roll for HP and SP as appropriate. Convert Thievish pluses into Mastery if desired.
Then submit the updated Character Spec. to me for final agreement.
Repeat the procedure for any followers for whom experience is calculated, in the level of detail to which their abilities have been specified.
P.R. Wild, 30 June 1991 / 27 July 1997
See also How to submit your Plot
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