How to submit your Plot

Here are some guidance notes for players on how to submit your plots.

Plots should be submitted in writing, preferably by email to dm at

Your plot should cover the whole period currently being run (at the moment we are running a month at a time), and should specify in outline what your character's actions are for each Caeriad. I appreciate this can be difficult for a long period, but it is important in order to speed up the flow of game time and to enable me to co-ordinate any interaction between players. Plots for shorter periods will be accepted, but they do slow things down for everyone.

Plots should please be written in the same style as used for the final written record: in the third person and present tense, with two spaces between sentences. This saves later editing. Summaries of actions, rather than story format prose, are however acceptable. Expositions of your character's current thinking are also acceptable, and best written as prose: but don't expect any response.

The plot will be run by email, including more detailed events where possible. I will schedule face-to-face runs as I consider appropriate, but I try to limit these to one or two per player per period. (Hint: running with other players can give you more face-to-face runs.)

At the end of the period being run, your experience claim should please be submitted for approval. Once the experience claim has been agreed, your updated character spec. should likewise be submitted for approval. See How to make an Experience Claim.

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