GODS: the Art of Changing

Infinite Permutations

The Anarea Changing System

* Restricted Information: Changers only *

N.B. Changing is unavailable as a Magic-Using Art before the appearance of RAVAR in Estender 2501.

1st edition summary (1989)

HTML version

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Changer Level
  3. Parameters
  4. Spell Casting
  5. Saving Throws
  6. Permanence

1. Introduction

The Changer Uses the Magic of RAVAR, God of Change. There is no fixed RAVAR Spell List. Instead there are a range of Parameters, each of which the Changer may learn up to a certain level. Some Parameters have a fixed level. others are variable. The Changer may Request RAVAR to make any Change within the Parameters he has learnt, and the Level of the Spell will be the sum of its Parameters. There is a Chance of Success, and the result will be either success or failure.

2. Changer Level ("ChL")

2.1 The Initial Basic Training ("IBT") for ChL 1 is 1,000 hours.

2.2 Higher ChLs come with Experience.

2.3 If IBT < 1,000 hrs., ratio C by:

(hrs. IBT) /1,000.

3. Parameters

3.1 Nature of Change

0. Change
3. Creation
6. Destruction

3.2 Subject of Change

1. Objects
2. Beings: physically
4. Beings: mentally
8. Ideas

3.3 Variable Parameters

A. Area
D. Duration (Extension Spells apply)
L. Likeness
M. Saving Throw Modifier
N. Number Affected
O. Obstacles
P. Special Properties
R. Range
S. Size

3.4 The figures for each Parameter are its Parameter Level ("PL"). Variable Parameters can be learnt to any PL. Change has PL 0, and therefore requires no learning, except as taken account of in IBT.

3.5 Usual Learning Time ("ULT") for each Parameter is its PL * 10 hours. ULT for a lower PL within a particular Parameter counts towards higher PLs. E.g. to learn Likeness to PL 5, if one has already learnt Likeness to PL 3, has ULT 20 hours.

4. Spell Casting

4.1 Chance of Success ("C")

C = B * ChL/SL * (SP used)/3SL * (Time)/2SL * ((IST waited)+1)/((IST needed)+1) %

The Spell will either succeed or fail. Variable effects are taken account of in the PL making up SL.

T = 5SL (for the purposes of other Magical effects)

4.2 Base Chance of Success ("B")

B = 50%, with the following variables:
4.2.1 Characteristics Modifiers ("ChMods")
+ 5 ChMod(DxM) %
+ 5 ChMod/2(Wp) %
4.2.2 RAVAR Credit

This depends upon what RAVAR thinks of the Changer.

4.3 Spell Level ("SL")

SL = the sum of all PL used

4.4 Spell Points ("SP")

SP are expended in the normal way.

4.5 Time

Time = the time taken in Casting, in seconds, up to a maximum of 2SL sec. Excess casting time has no effect.

4.6 Interspell Time ("IST")

IST applies as normal.

5. Saving Throws ("sts")

Beings get sts against Changer Spells.

BTS = 50 + 10M %

The Relevant Characteristic is Co vs. Physical Changes, or Wp vs. Mental Changes.

6. Permanence

6.1 Creation and Destruction are permanent.

6.2 The following Permanent Changes are optional:

6.3 Beings, whether or not Permanently Changed, get fresh sts at the expiry of each normal Duration bracket, adding 10% to BTS for each st already failed, including the first. Eventually, these sts will become impossible. When a st is made, the Change is over.

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© R. Whitaker / P.R. Wild, 1989

HTML conversion, P.R. Wild, 1999