The People of Anarea

Humans: Men of the West

Human female

Race: Humans

Species: Men of the West


  1. Valdreans
  2. Norsemen
  3. Kyrians
  4. Bandits (Bastolli and Kavaleri)
  5. Badlanders
  6. North-West Foresters
  7. Grasslanders
  8. Kuntacians
  9. People of the Free Cities


Place of Origin: by Lake Zarak

Present Territory: (by Sub-Species)

  1. Valdrean Empire
  2. Kingdom of the North
  3. Kyr
  4. Bandit Kingdom
  5. Badlands
  6. North-West Forest
  7. Grasslands
  8. Kuntacia
  9. Free Cities of Tehmor, Vavistor and Iklaron


with Language Points ("LP") for Know / Fluent / Read (by Sub-Species)

  1. Valdrean: 1/3/4
  2. Norse: 3/5/7
  3. Norse: 3/5/7
  4. Bastol: 2/4/6 and Kaval: 2/4/6
  5. Valdrean: 1/3/4, Bastol: 2/4/6 and Kaval: 2/4/6
  6. Valdrean: 1/3/4
  7. Indi: 2/5/8
  8. Kuntacian: 2/4/6
  9. Southern: 2/4/6



Char Mods

Physical Senses Mental
St: females -3 Sg: Foresters & Grasslanders +1 In: 0
Dx(Ph): 0 Hr: Foresters & Grasslanders +1 Dx(M): 0
Hd: d4 (1/2) + 2d10 Tc: 0 Mr: 0
Co: Norsemen +1 Sm: Foresters +1 Wp: 0
Sz: females -1 Ts: 0 Ft: 0
Bd: 0   Nt / Horsemanship ("Hs") for Valdreans: Foresters +2
Bt: females +3    
  At: 0  

Species Modifiers


Norsemen +1 with Axes

Foresters +1 with Bows

Grasslanders +1 with Bows, Whips/Flails, Bolas & Lassoos


MtoM 0
OBS Foresters & Grasslanders +1
DIS Norsemen -1
CLIMB Norsemen +1, Grasslanders -1

Special Abilities


Level Equalisation

To adjust total Level to balance against Valdrean Men of the West:

  1. Valdreans +0%
  2. Norsemen -1.6%
  3. Kyrians +0%
  4. Bandits (Bastolli and Kavaleri)
  5. Badlanders +0%
  6. North-West Foresters -6.0%
  7. Grasslanders -2.7%
  8. Kuntacians +0%
  9. People of the Free Cities +0%


% Females: 50%

Fertility: 5%

Lifespan: 70 years (average if die of old age)


Caucasian, average height 5ft, may be up to 7 ft

by Sub-Species:

  1. Valdreans: mostly dark, and dark-haired with brownish, oily skin
  2. Norsemen: red-headed, blond or light-brown haired with fair skin
  3. Kyrians: red-headed, blond or light-brown haired with fair skin
  4. Bandits: mostly dark, and dark-haired with brownish, oily skin
  5. Badlanders: mostly dark, and dark-haired with brownish, oily skin
  6. North-West Foresters: brownish-skinned
  7. Grasslanders mostly dark, and dark-haired with brownish, oily skin
  8. Kuntacians: mostly dark, and dark-haired with brownish, oily skin
  9. People of the Free Cities: black-haired and of dark complexion

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