Typical Spirit Level ("SpL"): 6-9
Typical Number Encountered: 1
Alignment: N/C, E/C
Description: they are invisible, but if viewed with See Invisible they appear as shadowy, incorporeal Beings, with the outline of people, but stooped with long limbs and a sinister, snarling face (but see Note 8 below)
Habitat: Madness, Dreams, but may be encountered anywhere as they stalk for victims in Reality and beyond
Language: Alignment Tongue, Old Speech - may appear to a Hallucinating victim to speak in tongues he understands
Chars: no Physical Chars, Senses & Mental Chars = (10+SpL)
Stalk @ up to 10 ft/sec / 7 mph. Can move through solid objects.
Fighter Abilities:
SpL/3, FRU AMR D = 25 + (5SpL) % RD = 5 + (5SpL) % 5 + (5SpL) HP
Attack Modes:
Touch @ A = 12SpL %, DAM = d10: does no physical DAM, but if penetrates ADS (would do >= 1 DAM), target must save vs Madness @ BTS = 10SpL% (Wp). For each 10% (FRU) by which the st is failed, the Target's Level of Madness is increased by 1 in the Domain of RABBAT (N/C Stalkers) / MORCOR (E/C Stalkers). Note that the effects of successive Madness effects or Spells are cumulative. For the effects of Madness, see the Madness System.
HitLoc Table:
HitLoc Area |
All Aspects |
Head |
01 to 10 |
Arms (*2) |
11 to 45 |
Chest |
46 to 75 |
Abdomen |
76 to 95 |
Legs (*2) |
96 to 125 |
HitLoc Areas are in fact irrelevant, but the Stalker appears to have them.
ADS: 0 all over
Invulnerability 1: invulnerable to non-magical attacks, vulnerable to silver & magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 1 are vulnerable to it.
Invulnerability 2: invulnerable to non-magical attacks, silver attacks do half damage, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 2 are vulnerable to it.
Invulnerability 3: invulnerable to non-magical and silver attacks, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 3 are vulnerable to it.
For further details see the Notes to the Elementalist Invulnerability Spell.
Effects of Damage:
All Damage is taken as General Damage. For each 5HP taken, the Stalker takes SpL -1, down to a minimum of SpL 1.
Thievish Abilities:
M on Th Activities:
Defensive ThL = SpL
Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:
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