Spirit Specification

Invisible Stalkers

Typical Spirit Level ("SpL"): 6-9

Typical Number Encountered: 1

Alignment: N/C, E/C

Description: they are invisible, but if viewed with See Invisible they appear as shadowy, incorporeal Beings, with the outline of people, but stooped with long limbs and a sinister, snarling face (but see Note 8 below)

Habitat: Madness, Dreams, but may be encountered anywhere as they stalk for victims in Reality and beyond

Language: Alignment Tongue, Old Speech - may appear to a Hallucinating victim to speak in tongues he understands

Chars: no Physical Chars, Senses & Mental Chars = (10+SpL)


Stalk @ up to 10 ft/sec / 7 mph.  Can move through solid objects.

Fighter Abilities:

SpL/3, FRU AMR    D = 25 + (5SpL) %    RD = 5 + (5SpL) %    5 + (5SpL) HP

Attack Modes:

Touch @ A = 12SpL %, DAM = d10: does no physical DAM, but if penetrates ADS (would do >= 1 DAM), target must save vs Madness @ BTS = 10SpL% (Wp).  For each 10% (FRU) by which the st is failed, the Target's Level of Madness is increased by 1 in the Domain of RABBAT (N/C Stalkers) / MORCOR (E/C Stalkers).  Note that the effects of successive Madness effects or Spells are cumulative.  For the effects of Madness, see the Madness System.

HitLoc Table:

HitLoc Area

All Aspects


01 to 10

Arms (*2)

11 to 45


46 to 75


76 to 95

Legs (*2)

96 to 125

HitLoc Areas are in fact irrelevant, but the Stalker appears to have them.

ADS: 0 all over

Invulnerability 1: invulnerable to non-magical attacks, vulnerable to silver & magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 1 are vulnerable to it.

Invulnerability 2: invulnerable to non-magical attacks, silver attacks do half damage, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 2 are vulnerable to it.

Invulnerability 3: invulnerable to non-magical and silver attacks, vulnerable to magical attacks, other beings with Invulnerability 3 are vulnerable to it.

For further details see the Notes to the Elementalist Invulnerability Spell.

Effects of Damage:

All Damage is taken as General Damage.  For each 5HP taken, the Stalker takes SpL -1, down to a minimum of SpL 1.

Thievish Abilities:

M on Th Activities:

Defensive ThL = SpL

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Invisible Stalkers are Spirit Servants of RABBAT, N/C Demon of Delusion, or MORCOR, E/C Demon of Despair.  They originate in the Domains of Madness equal to their SpLs (especially the Domain of Paranoia), but stalk out of them in search of victims.
  2. Stalkers can Madness Walk, Dreamwalk, ChaosWalk and PlaneWalk.
  3. They seek to enter the minds of their victims, drawing them Spiritually into the Realm of Madness, where the Stalker follows them Physically, working on their Hallucinations and drawing them deeper into Madness until they reach Level of Madness 10 (and so physically die).  Once a victim is Mad, the Stalker will therefore disappear into his mind, and cannot be located by other members of his party unless they are prepared to follow into Madness.
  4. Stalkers are permanently Invisible, but may appear visible as Hallucinations in the Realm of Madness or as Nightmares in the Dreamworlds.
  5. They are cautious and cowardly, and if met with determined resistance (e.g. other party members following the victim into Madness to rescue him) they will back off, hide and observe.
  6. Although Incorporeal, they have the Telekinetic Power to carry 100 * SpL wt pts of encumbrance in Madness or Dreams.  They will attempt to steal the Dream Forms of any Magic Items from their victims.
  7. Stalkers are unaffected by Enchanter Spells and equivalent effects which are specified as affecting only living bodies.  They may be affected by non-Enchanter Death Spells and equivalent effects.
  8. Seeing them Causes Madness @ BTS 5SPL% (Wp) as per their Touch.
  9. Establishing Charm Link to them Causes Madness @ BTS = 10SpL% (Wp) / sec as per their Touch.
  10. Immune to Madness.  Vulnerable to Cure Madness - they have Level of Madness equal to their SpL, and Curing a Stalker of Madness reduces its SpL accordingly.  If reduced to Level of Madness 0, it will disappear and die.  A Stalker that has been so reduced in Level of Madness may recover by fleeing into the appropriate deeper Levels of Madness, but its victim will recover 1 Level of Madness for each Level it flees.

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