Price list of Nima

Magic items bought, sold and priced

By Appointment to the Commander of Fort Venture, dealer in Magic Items

In Association with Quázil, Licensed by His Majesty, the King of All Dwarves to deal in Mithril

Price list as revised with effect from 1 Estender 2504


  1. Nima and Quázil's shop in Fort Venture opened on 22 Kemel 2503 .  The pricelist was revised with effect from 1 Sarm 2503, 16 Oscow 2503, 14 Weven 2503 and 12 Sarm 2504.  The shop was closed from 8 Kemel 2504 to 12 Sarm 2504.
  2. On 20 Lastra 2504 Nima announced that he was winding down his business in Fort Venture.  He will open on advertised days only for the sale of thievish items and non-standard weapon enchantments (such as flaming). With Quázil, he will also price and buy magic items.  This leaves Kâko of Dwarf Hold as the leading high-profile dealer in Magic Items in the Overworld, but Kâko's location in Dwarf Hold (which is still under tight military security) is problematic for many non-Dwarven, non-Lawful adventurers.

Mithril-tipped weapons and enchantments to A, P, PD, DAM

Weapon Base Spec. Base Cost Single Plus Double Plus Triple Plus Quadruple
Dagger/Stiletto +1/+2 DAM 900GP + 3,600GP + 13,500GP + 30,000GP + 54,000GP
Throwing Knife +1/+2 DAM 900GP + 3,600GP + 13,500GP + 30,000GP + 54,000GP
Short Sword +1/+2 DAM 2,200GP + 9,000GP + 33,300GP + 75,000GP +133,200GP
Taper Axe/Broad Sword +2/+3 DAM 6,000GP + 13,500GP + 49,500GP +112,500GP +198,000GP
Spear +2/+3 DAM 2,200GP + 18,000GP + 66,600GP +150,000GP +266,400GP
Halberd/Great Sword +3/+4 DAM 6,000GP + 27,000GP + 99,000GP +225,000GP +396,000GP


Flaming Enchantment

Weapon Flame Spec. One Dice Two Dice Three Dice
Dagger/Stiletto d4 +20,000GP + 60,000GP +120,000GP
Short Sword d6 +32,000GP + 96,000GP +192,000GP
Taper Axe/Broad Sword d6 +40,000GP +120,000GP +240,000GP
Spear d8 +53,300GP +160,000GP +320,000GP
Halberd/Great Sword d10 +60,000GP +180,000GP +360,000GP


Disemboweling - increase in Base Cost

Weapon Disembowel One Dice 2 Dice 3 Dice 4 Dice
Dagger d4 +5% N/A N/A N/A
Short Sword d6 +5% N/A N/A N/A
Taper Axe d4 +5% +10% N/A N/A
Broad Sword d6 +5% +10% N/A N/A
Great Sword d6 +5% +10% +15% +20%
Halberd d8 +5% +10% N/A N/A

Weapons are manufactured with mithril in the point and cutting edges. This gives bonuses to damage as stated in the Base Specification. The two figures refer to damage bonus vs. flesh and vs. armour respectively. The mithril will also damage certain creatures that are vulnerable to silver but not steel.

Weapons can be purchased with or without enchantments. Available enchantments include +1 to +4 to one or more of A, P, PD, DAM. Higher enchantments (+5 and +6) are available by negotiation. Melee weapons can also be enchanted to deliver one two or three dice of fire damage. The dice specification and the price for given dice of flame damage are given above. Disemboweling is available on mithril-tipped melee weapons as shown.

Enchanted weapons will damage certain creatures which are not vulnerable to silver or steel.

Pricing example 1: A Stiletto doing +2A and +2DAM (+3DAM vs armour) together with d4 of flame damage costs 38,000GP. This is calculated as follows: 900GP (base cost) + 13,500GP (double plus to A) +3,600GP (single plus to DAM) +20,000GP (for flaming).

Pricing example 2: A Halberd doing +3DAM (+4DAM vs armour) together with +d10 of flame damage in a normal attack, and 2d8 +d10 flame when disemboweling, costs 66,600GP.  This is calculated as follows: 6,000GP (base cost) +600GP (10% for 2d8 disemboweling) + 60,000GP (for flaming).

Pure Mithril Range

Weapon DAM Spec. Bonus A Cost
Dagger/Stiletto +2/+3 DAM +1A + 13,000GP
Throwing Knife +2/+3 DAM +1A + 13,000GP
Short Sword +2/+3 DAM +1A + 32,500GP
Taper Axe/Broad Sword +3/+4 DAM +1A + 48,750GP
Spear +3/+4 DAM +1A + 65,000GP
Halberd/Great Sword +4/+5 DAM +2A + 97,500GP


Enchantments and disemboweling prices as above. Nima will quote labour-only price if customer supplies the pure mithril.

Pricing example 3: A Taper Axe doing +5A and +5DAM (+6DAM vs armour) together with 3d6 of flame damage costs 536,250GP. This is calculated as follows: 48,750GP (base cost) + 198,000GP (quadruple plus to A) + 49,500GP (double plus to DAM) +240,000GP (for 3 dice of flaming).

Enchanted Armour, Shields and Other Items

Enchanted Armour Max ADS Min ADS Shatter Cost
Breastplate 7 4 60 24,000GP
Breastplate 8 5 48 30,000GP
Visored Helmet 7 4 60 18,000GP
Visored Helmet 8 5 48 22,500GP

Enchantments for pluses to ADS (or interpose in the case of shields)

Armour or shield Single Plus Double Plus Triple Plus Quadruple
Buckler + 6,300GP + 23,625GP + 52,500GP + 94,500GP
Visored Helmet + 13,500GP + 49,500GP +112,500GP +198,000GP
Breastplate + 18,000GP + 66,000GP +150,000GP +264,000GP
Shield + 27,000GP + 99,000GP +225,000GP +396,000GP

Mithril and Pure Mithril items (no effect on shattering)

Armour or shield ADS +1 ADS +2
Buckler + 6,300GP + 22,750GP
Visored Helmet + 13,500GP +48,750GP
Breastplate + 18,000GP + 65,000GP
Shield + 27,000GP + 97,500GP

Strengthen Metal (shattering more likely)

Armour or shield ADS +1 ADS +2 ADS +3
Buckler +850GP + 2,550GP +5,100GP
Visored Helmet +1,250GP + 3,750GP +7,500GP
Breastplate +1,500GP +4,500GP +9,000GP
Shield +2,000GP + 6,000GP +12,000GP

Each ADS plus from Strengthen Metal reduces by 6 the minimum damage that will shatter a shield or reduces by 12 the damage needed to shatter the armour.  Nima only offers Strengthen Metal on items that bear an enchantment that Nima has procured. 

Pricing example 4: enchanted steel breastplate of Min ADS:5 and Max ADS:8, with shatter resistance 48, costs 22,500 GP.  This is calculated as follows: no additional charge for the steel, 18000 GP for +1 ADS enchantment and 4,500 GP for +2 ADS Strengthen Metal.

Pricing example 5: enchanted mithril buckler of ADS:6, with shatter resistance 18, costs 13,450 GP.  This is calculated as follows: 6,300 GP for the mithril buckler giving ADS +1, 6,300 GP for +1 ADS enchantment, and 850 GP for +1 ADS Strengthen Metal.

Pricing example 6: enchanted pure mithril buckler with +3 to interpose, ADS:11, with shatter resistance 30, costs 132,850 GP.  This is calculated as follows: 22,750 GP for the pure mithril buckler giving ADS +2, 52,500 GP for +3 to interpose, 52,500 GP for +3 ADS enchantment, and 5,100 GP for +3 ADS Strengthen Metal.

Pricing example 7: enchanted pure mithril visored helmet of Min ADS:11 Max ADS:14, with shatter resistance 72, costs 254,250 GP.  This is calculated as follows: 48,750 GP for the pure mithril helmet giving ADS +2, 198,000 GP for +4 ADS enchantment, and 7,500 GP for +3 ADS Strengthen Metal.



Bag of Holding * 75,000GP
Gauntlets of Dexterity (+1) * 65,000GP
Body Armour Ring (ADS +1) 45,000GP
Body Armour Ring (ADS +2) 135,000GP
Body Armour Ring (ADS +3) 270,000GP

* assigned value when trading for magic items (price for cash sale may be higher). Higher pluses possible.

Items sought:

Regeneration (1 HP per melee round) 150,000GP&
Spell Turning (50%) 90,000GP&
Dodge (5%) 20,000GP&~
Mithril per weight point 110GP
Pure mithril per weight point 400GP
Magic Resistance POA
Bound elementals POA

& Approximate value in cash or specie. Higher prices paid for more powerful effects. Pricing for indicative purposes only and not binding on Nima.

~ Triangling for higher pluses.

All enquiries and orders c/o the Commander's office.

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