The Season So Far...

Autumn 2504

19 Lastra

Today is the first day of Autumn, and the beginning of the Autumn Festivals in the South of the Overworld.

20 Lastra

Nima announces that he is winding down his business in Fort Venture.  He will open on advertised days only for the sale of thievish items and non-standard weapon enchantments (such as flaming). With Quázil, he will also price and buy magic items.  This leaves Kâko of Dwarf Hold as the leading high-profile dealer in Magic Items in the Overworld, but Kâko's location in Dwarf Hold (which is still under tight military security) is problematic for many non-Dwarven, non-Lawful adventurers.

22 Lastra

After a week of remorseless advancing and laying waste all before them, the Lawfuls have announced the final eradication of the Chaotic enclave in Central Kyr.  A number of people have been spared the sword, on Detecting non-Chaotic after the Starweb was Dispelled on them.  But many others have been killed, and the light from the funeral pyres can be seen across Kyr and even out to sea.  However the extended Teleport bans remain in place, as many infected carriers of Starweb are believed to have escaped by Teleporting and are fuelling Chaotic riots elsewhere.  There is no word as to what has happened to Radino himself.

25 Lastra

The High Temple of RAYLIT at the 200-year old Temple of Heaven on Earth site in Taur-Galen town is generally considered the grandest Temple of RAYLIT on Earth.  Its Tower of Evening Light overtops every building in the town – especially those of the THE, and is said to be the finest viewpoint for watching the EvenStar.  The Temple has now installed a new artifact, known simply as the Topaz of RAYLIT, on a golden pillar on top of the Tower to shine the light of RAYLIT upon Taur-Galen.  The Topaz was given to the Temple by RAYLIT-worshipping Gnomes, with whom they have formed a new friendship.  The Gnomes Adnab, Declin, Eamli and Hamli are being feted for this gift, and accorded the title of "Elf-friend".  The Temple have announced that the Topaz of RAYLIT will provide a Prot. Effect to all those within its light whose intentions are friendly, and they may also appeal to RAYLIT for protection and He will hear them with favour.  It is also claimed by the Faithful that praying to the Topaz will grant Wisdom.  A new Symbol has been put in place to protect it and a constant guard mounted.  Windows and mirrors are being constructed to shine its light into the heart of the Temple.  The Thieves Guild are exploring the new shadows it casts in the streets.

1 Numist

The Dwarven and Valdrean Anti-Chaos Expeditionary Forces are departing Kyr, leaving the local Druids to restore the devastated Central Forest.  When asked if Radino had escaped, Prince Náin replied only that it had been impossible to identify the many bodies, and warned people to be ever-vigilant against the threat and lies of Chaos.  The Valdreans are redeploying Paladins to Hapral.  But only the Hill Dwarf Paladins are being deployed to quell the ongoing Chaotic unrest in Tumunzahar and Barrakizdîn.  The Mountain Dwarf Paladins are returning home.  The Hill Dwarf King Borin has still not visited Gabilkhazâd-Dûm to swear fealty to the new Mountain Dwarf King Thráin, and relations between the two races are at their frostiest since the end of the Third Dwarf War.  Many Hill Dwarves believe the Mountain Dwarves deliberately used them as orc-fodder during the War in the Dungeons.

2 Numist

Clerics of KOROS are being summoned to the Southern City of Vavistor to deal with an outbreak of Ghosts in the Kasbah.

4 Numist

According to certain Dreamers, a force of Chaos-Werewolves has emerged like a whirlwind from the Fountain in the centre of the Great Plaza in Khalkan-Jho, and is attacking the Temple of SURGAT, God of Prophecy.  The Temple Guards of MELLIA, HALCYON and ORORO have rushed to intervene, whilst still defending their own High Temples.  The rumour sweeping the streets of the City That Never Wakes is that Radino is seeking to seize the Stone of Prophecy and dictate his own Future, but the Temple of SURGAT confidently predict he will not succeed.  Across the Waking World people are tossing and turning in their sleep as they are beset by the strangest of dreams.

5 Numist

The surviving Chaos-Werewolf raiders have forced their way into the antechamber of the High Temple of ORORO in Khalkan-Jho and disappeared - one can only imagine where to.  Despite the High Temple of SURGAT displaying the intact Stone of Prophecy to all pilgrims who pass the Guard's security checks, stories continue to circulate that Radino has captured the true Stone and replaced it with a Stone of Lies.  Some say this is in fact the transmogrified Shell of Lies, which he retrieved from the retaking of Kövik.  Sleepers are still finding Deep Sleep elusive, and Spell Points slow to recover.

9 Numist

Pilgrims are coming from all over to the High Temple of RAYLIT in Taur-Galen, in search of wisdom from the new Topaz of RAYLIT.  Amongst them are many Gnomes who have Teleported in from the Underworld Land of Flerrig.  These small RAYLIT-worshipping Dwarves are a source of much amusement and interest to the Elves, but (despite a few misunderstandings and cultural differences) relations are cordial.

11 Numist

Amid continuing tension between the Hill and Mountain Dwarves, the Mountain Dwarves have moved to secure an area of the port in Barrakizdîn where their ships are docked, citing the continuing failure of the Hill Dwarves to put down the Chaotic rioting in the city and the need to protect their strategic interests.  There is now a three- ( or possibly four-) way struggle in Barrakizdîn between Chaotics, Hill Dwarves, Mountain Dwarves and (it is rumoured) Ghosts let loose by the Secret Evil Temples to take advantage of the confusion and lack of law and order.

16 Numist

Chaos-Werewolves have been spotted in Memorial Park in Bjarmigen.  Lord Protector Harrek has organised a hunt for them, and has cordoned off the Temple of DALA and entered it in force to mount a search.

17 Numist

The Hill Dwarves have put down the Chaotics and Ghosts in Barrakizdîn, but the Mountain Dwarves are proving trickier to dislodge, refusing to stand down their guard in the docks.  In both Barrakizdîn and Tumunzahar the Hill Dwarf SARAN Paladins have massacred those infected by the Starweb and burned the bodies, which has not been viewed favourably by worshippers of most other religions.

20 Numist

The Mountain Dwarf King Thráin has sent Hill Dwarf King Borin a message of congratulations on his suppression of the Chaotic Starweb, and summoned him to Gabilkhazâd-Dûm to swear fealty to him on 1 Garrack.

The Teleport bans in the Valdrean Empire, Kingdom of the Dwarves, Kingdom of the North, Kingdom of Kyr and Kuntax remain in force, but have not been extended so far.

24 Numist

There are reports that in a bar-room fight in the Golden Bull Inn in Grinen in the Kingdom of the North, one of the brawlers turned into a Chaos-Werewolf and bit several people before escaping.  Lord Protector Harrek, Duke of Grinen, has secured the inn, and his followers and Men of SARAN allies are searching the area.

25 Numist

For a night of the Full Moon it is remarkably quiet in Kyr.  The Wolf Cult are keeping a low profile, and the Druids' restoration of the Central Forest continues.  But some odd-sounding howls have been reported along the borders of the Kingdom of the North, and even around the cities of Bjarmigen and Grinen.

1 Garrack

The Hill Dwarf King Borin has failed to turn up in Gabilkhazâd-Dûm to swear fealty to the Mountain Dwarf King Thráin in response to Thráin's summons.  Borin claims to be exhausted and recovering SP and praying his thanks to SARAN after the recent battles against Chaotics.  There are reports of a Teleport Block being in effect over Taramkhazâd-Dûm.

2 Garrack

The situation in the Lands of the Dwarves has worsened.  There are reports of fighting between adventurer / Paladin teams in Taramkhazâd-Dûm, Barrakizdîn and Tumunzahar, as Mountain Dwarf and Hill Dwarf forces loyal to Thráin attempt to impose control against Hill Dwarf forces loyal to Borin.  The docks in Barrakizdîn are largely under Mountain Dwarf control.  There is talk of a Fourth Dwarf War.

5 Garrack / Day 258

Following the disappearance of the Great Goblin Ral-Ksarg somewhere in the Jungle, the goblins reverted to their usual internecine fighting.  The Emperor of the Orcs has clearly decided that the non-aggression pact negotiated with Ral-Ksarg no longer applies, as the Greater Orcish Empire has launched one of its periodic invasions / raids in force across the Ladder of the Orcs into the Goblin Lands.  Reports in Ashazôrg say the attack is going well.

7 Garrack

Sporadic skirmishing continues within the Hill Dwarf cities.  Forces loyal to Thráin have largely secured Barrakizdîn and Tumunzahar, but Taramkhazâd-Dûm holds out, and the Teleport Block remains in place.  Thráin is deploying an army by Teleportals outside the Block, with a view to a siege.

8 Garrack

The Valdrean Emperor, Arril I, has been attempting to negotiate a settlement between the Dwarvish factions.  Unofficial Valdrean sources hint that the conflict has been stirred up by Hellish Troublemakers.

9 Garrack

A ceasefire is in place between the Hill and Mountain Dwarves, as Arril attempts to broker a settlement at the Temple of SARAN on Earth.  But the central issue of swearing fealty is a major obstacle, and Dwarves are known for their intransigence.  The rumour is that Borin has demanded an apology and reparations for the attack on Hell before he will swear fealty, and Thráin considers this would dishonour his late father.

11 Garrack

The High Elf Tree Cultists of the Aldalië (who have been instrumental in the regrowing of the North West Forest after the Dark Forest) are Transporting major Druids to the North East Forest of the Overworld.  Little is known about the NE Forest, and the Aldalië are not saying what is going on.  The rumour is that Glersh has re-appeared there, and is trying to bring the Dark Forest back again.

12 Garrack

Tonight is Mid-Autumn Night, when the annual Gathering of the Grasslander tribes is held at the Gathering Place, at the confluence of rivers that forms the Lightwater.  It is a sacred time, and for 24 hours from noon to noon no man may harm another, and all must come and go in peace.

Gather your ivy whilst you may.  However, due to the inauspicious conjunction of the New Moon, all newly-gathered ivy will deteriorate almost immediately at midnight tomorrow - even if gathered after midnight today.

15 Garrack

The one week ceasefire between the Hill and Mountain Dwarves has expired without a settlement being reached.  The Mountain Dwarves have promptly attempted to storm Taramkhazâd-Dûm, and have broken into the great underground halls, but the Citadel holds out.  Riots broke out tonight in Barrakizdîn and Tumunzahar on hearing this news, but the Thráin Loyalists are maintaining control.  Curfews are in force in all three cities.

Day 271 / 18 Garrack

In Ashazôrg the Emperor of the Orcs is claiming a major victory for the Greater Orcish Empire in a battle against the Goblins, opening the way for an advance into the Caspian River Valley under a dark cloud produced by Weather Control.  Meanwhile, the Army of the Most Unholy Inquisition of ALTIS in Harrig has seized the opportunity to cross the mountains and seize some worthless land from the Empire in the Blasted Lands - forcing the Emperor to send a punitive expedition against them.

20 Garrack

The Temple of KOROS have been reinforcing the Aldalië presence in the North East Forest with a significant force of Clerics.  No public statement has been released, but the rumour is that as Winter draws in up there, the Druidic Sacred Grove has been assailed by extra-powerful Ghosts with Cold-using abilities from out of the Dark Forest.  So far (it is said) the KOROS Clerics are Dispelling them.

The Gnomes of the Gaprillîki have appealed to the "Big Brothers" for help, as they fear the Cold Ghosts may come for them too as the frosts begin.  Their Elders point out how they have publicly (if belatedly, say the more cynical Mountain Dwarves) sworn fealty to King Thráin - unlike some.  This has forced Thráin to send them some assistance while he is still engaged in bringing Borin to heel.  He has ordered the Dwarvish Temple of KOROS to assist the Gnomes - a task they have gladly accepted, in order to avoid getting involved in the ongoing Dwarf War.

26 Garrack

The Citadel of Taramkhazâd-Dûm has fallen to the Mountain Dwarves and Hill Dwarf Thráin Loyalists.  Borin's younger brother Dorin has surrendered and sworn fealty to the Mountain Dwarf King Thráin.  But Borin and his elite bodyguard have not been produced, alive or dead, and the rumour is that they have escaped.  It is also rumoured that the Citadel fell due to Dorin's betraying his brother and letting the besiegers into the Citadel.  Whatever the truth of it, Dorin is now to be crowned as Hill Dwarf King.

Reports from the North East Forest say that an outpost established by the Aldalië and KOROS Clerics on the Wolf River has been overwhelmed by a huge force of Cold Ghosts, rumoured to include Spectral Werewolves.  Only a few survivors managed to Teleport or Word of Recall out.  Gnomish refugees in the Gaprillîki have already started heading upriver, away from the Forest.

In the Caspian River Valley the Orcish Army has suffered a series of guerrilla attacks from the Goblins, apparently with Druidic support from Evil Elvish mercenaries from Taur Galen and Minduinath.  The Orcs are in some disarray as they attempt to hunt down their attackers, and are making slow progress towards the Goblin heartlands.

Day 279 / 1 Tekrim

In the Blasted Lands of the Great Orcish Empire in the Underworld there is fighting between the invading Army of the Most Unholy Inquisition of ALTIS in Harrig and the Imperial Orcish Army.  The Emperor of the Orcs has accused the Harrig forces of being in league with the Goblins, but this insult has only served to enrage the Highest Priest of ALTIS in Harrig into sending reinforcements to punish the Emperor for his insolence.  In appreciation of this outburst of mutual hatred, the Army of the Most Hateful Inquisition of HAERIM in Harrig has sent some troops to support their ALTIS brothers.

2 Tekrim

In the North East Forest the Aldalië, local Druids and KOROS Clerics are withdrawing their outposts to reinforce the Hidden Grove and the village of Kro on the edge of the Forest against expected assaults by the Cold Ghosts.  The Gaprill Trading Post at the river mouth has already been abandoned early for the winter.

3 Tekrim

Dorin has quickly been crowned as Hill Dwarf King in Taramkhazâd-Dûm and his elder brother Borin declared a traitor and outlaw for rebelling against the King of All Dwarves (the Mountain Dwarf King Thráin).  A bounty of 10,000 Mithril Pieces has been placed on Borin's head - more than enough to tempt any right-thinking Dwarf.  Thráin has started withdrawing Mountain Dwarf forces from Taramkhazâd-Dûm, Barrakizdîn and Tumunzahar but a sizeable number still remain to support the Hill Dwarf Loyalist forces which are now in ostensible control.  One of the main duties of the Loyalist troops is to paint over the anti-Dorin graffiti which is appearing in all three cities.

10 Tekrim

The village of Kro on the edge of the North East Forest has fallen to a night attack by a wave of Cold Ghosts.  The survivors are retreating up the Gaprill valley to the village of Mind, harried by the Ghosts.  The Hidden Grove is now a small enclave in the Forest, only held by the Aldalië, local Druids and KOROS Clerics due to the power of a Holy Garnet of KOROS, which shines with a purple fiery light that incinerates any Undead it touches.  The Aldalië have mounted the jewel in the great douglas fir tree at the heart of the Grove, but the Ghosts gather in the darkness beyond.

At Fort Venture Nima has opened for normal business once more in response to “overwhelming customer demand” and “predatory pricing” from Kâko of Dwarf Hold. Prices are said to have dropped by up to one eighth. Rumours abound that Nima has squeezed his suppliers (suspected to be in the Underworld) and negotiated a reduction in taxes paid to Fort Venture (by threatening to set up shop elsewhere). It is clear that the partnership with Quázil has changed – Quázil being present only on advertised days and involved only when Nima purchases items. Prices paid by Nima for items purchased are also said to be higher.

18 Tekrim

The Aldalië have requested the assistance of the High Elvish Spider Cult, the Liantelië, in investigating reports from the Gnomes of unusual numbers of Giant Spiders in the North East Forest to the North West of the Kum-Valga, in the area of the valley of the River Velli.  The expected wave of Ghosts has not appeared on this front; possibly because they are all engaged in the South, or possibly because the Spiders are keeping them at bay.  The Aldalië have therefore suggested the Spiders may be possible allies, and the Liantelië are best suited to approach them.  There is also some concern that Ghost Spiders may emerge, as has been seen with the Wolves and Bears – though the most widely-held theory is that this resulted from the Ghosting of Weres.  Even worse, it has been suggested that Ghost Phase Spiders could appear.  The Liantelië are putting together a number of scouting parties and sending them out to the area.

24 Tekrim

The Hidden Grove continues to hold out in the North East Forest, as the Cold Ghosts sweep up the Gaprill Valley.  Winter is approaching almost as fast as the Ghosts, and it is whispered that the Hidden Grove may have to be abandoned if the temperature continues to plummet (as was often the case in "normal" winters).

25 Tekrim / Day 303

In the Caspian River Valley fighting continues between the Orcish Army (which continues to advance, if slowly) and the Goblins (who are avoiding pitched battle), supported by Evil Elvish mercenaries.

Resistance to Hill Dwarf King Dorin has crumbled.  Dwarves are basically Lawful, and have soon accepted the new regime.  However, former King Borin remains at large, despite the reward, and is rumoured to be gathering an army "somewhere in the hills".

In the Underworld, the Armies of the Most Unholy Inquisition of ALTIS and the Most Hateful Inquisition of HAERIM in Harrig and the Imperial Orcish Army are both claiming victories over each other in the Blasted Lands.  Recruitment is brisk in the Place of Mercenaries in Ashazôrg.

1 Weven

The Aldalië have used the Walking Wood Spell to move the circle of trees at the Hidden Grove through a Gateway of the Trees to a new site, believed to be somewhere in the Upper Gaprill Valley.  They made the move during the day of 25 Tekrim, before the night of the Full Moon when the were-Ghosts attacking them would be at their strongest.  All non-Druids were pulled out first, the Clerics, putting up some particularly bright LI4 Light Spells before they departed, and then the Druids retreated through the Gateway, protecting the trees.  But Darkness Spells went in as the withdrawal started, and the Ghosts and were-Ghosts attacked. There are also unconfirmed reports that Ghost Black Puddings were spotted in the attack.  Some Ghosts managed to slip through the Gateway with the last of the defenders.  Most of them were Dispelled, but some were just Turned or fled. Further missions are being mounted to hunt these down in the local area.

4 Weven

In the Valdrean Empire, Arador of  Carrilon, son of Gerintal and Director of Imperial Works, has defeated his father in a nominal Duel for the Championship of the Noble House of Carrilon (in which his father immediately conceded and then announced his retirement from Duelling).  Arador then immediately issued a Challenge to the Emperor Arril I of Tarm to a Duel for the Lion Throne, to be held 4 Yarom.  His rise to the top has been the subject of much interest, and controversy, as he is wielding a magic flaming-sword, which he has now dubbed "The Flame of Carrilon", a magic plate helmet and an ADS Ring, all of which are said to have been purchased by the House of Carrilon from Nima of Fort Venture.  Several other Houses have similarly armed their rising young stars, who have formed a group known as the "Young Firebrands".  The soubriquet was originally applied by their detractors, but the group have adopted it as their own.  Arador currently leads the group, due to his superior status, but one or two others are not far behind, and may soon take the Championships of their own Houses.

6 Weven

The front line against the Ghosts in the Far North East is now at the village of Mind, about 150 miles upstream from the edge of the deep Forest at Kro.  The village is fortified with a ditch and rampart surmounted by a wooden palisade, and the Holy Garnet of KOROS is atop a high watchtower by the downstream gate.  Most of the local gnomish population has been evacuated by now, and the village is occupied by the KOROS Clerics, Druids and other adventurers.  The trees have been chopped down for several miles around, and the Ghosts just come by night.  Patrols are sent out by day to hunt them down in local copses, caves and farms.  But their numbers by night are still such as to threaten to overwhelm the defences.

The Orcs have now advanced sufficiently far down the Caspian River Valley that they are threatening the Hobgoblin heartland in the Caspian Gorge.  From advance camps in the Gakkil-Zelg Mountains, they have already mounted a surprise raid on the City of Gûl-Vlersch.  Reports of its success vary wildly - depending on which side is telling the tale.  The Hobgoblins have still failed to unite under a new Great Goblin since the fall of Ral-Ksarg, and their Chaotic infighting is allowing the Orcs to advance without significant opposition.

Remember, says the rumourmonger, you heard it from me first!

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