* Restricted Information: the Clerics of KOROS to whom the Item was granted and those working with them to combat Undead

Magic Item Specification

Type of Item: Jewel

The Holy Garnet of KOROS

Description: a large Garnet that glows with LI+4 Light


  1. Shines with an LI+4 purple Light within a 60’ Radius, deteriorating to LI+1 in the usual way up to 240’ Radius.
  2. Has a Continuous T500 Dispel Undead Effect, as Cast by a L13 Cleric, within the LI+4 Radius.  It therefore Dispels (by incinerating them) up to L10 Undead and will Turn up to L25 Undead.  The T deteriorates to T250 at LI+3 (Turning up to L20), to T125 at LI+2 (Turning up to L17) and to T62 at LI+1 (Turning up to L16).


  1. When used against the Legions of the Lost in the North East Forest in the Year 2504, all Dispel and Turn Effects were as if 2 ULs lower, so at the outer rim of the Light all up to UL8 were Dispelled and all up to UL14 Turned.  A L24 Cold Ghost would in theory be immune to even the LI+4 Light.

  2. The Light is distributed throughout the initial 60' Radius. It does not shine / darken through major obstacles such as walls, but does shine / darken around minor obstacles such as bodies, creating shadows only outside the initial Radius.

  3. Covering over the Garnet does not block the Light (like an object on which Clerical Radiation has been Cast).

Encumbrance: 5 wt pts

History: Granted by KOROS in Commune to His/Her Clerics who went to the North East Forest in Autumn 2504 to combat the rise of the Undead there.

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