To combat Undead at own ClL, Spell Level = 1
To combat Undead at own ClL + n, Spell Level = (n+1)(n+2)/2
(For Joint Requests, own ClL = the effective ClL of the Participants)
SOROK Clerics add 1 to the ClL given by the above, e.g. a ClL 3 SOROK Cl Casting Control Undead @ Spell Level 1 Controls at ClL 4. To Control Undead at ClL 6, he must Cast Control Undead @ Spell Level 6.
BTS = n/a
ULT = 12 hrs (Dispel) / 10 hrs (Turn) / 18 hrs (Control)
Materials: Consecrated Symbol of God
Actions: Present Symbol to targets. It may need to be swept through an arc. Participants in a Joint Request should each use a Symbol.
UL Points:
T = 1 to 100: T/5 UL Points (FRU)
T > 100: (T-100)/2 + 20 UL Points (FRU)
Range: 10d feet -5d(d-1)/2%
Radius: 5r feet -5r(r-1)/2%
Each target Undead within Radius must have UL Points = its UL allocated to it for it to be affected by the Spell. If the total UL of all Undead within Radius > UL Points from T, select targets in sequence, starting with the lowest UL (if equal select randomly) and subtract each target's UL from UL Points available until UL Points exhausted. If any target does not have UL Points = its UL applied to it, it is unaffected by the Spell.
ClL vs UL: When a target Undead is affected by the Spell, compare its UL to the Caster's effective ClL (which may be increased by Spell Level as above), as follows:
UL | ClL | |||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
1 | 50% | T | T | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C |
2 | 100% | 50% | T | T | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C |
3 | 150% | 100% | 50% | T | T | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C |
4 | 200% | 150% | 100% | 50% | T | T | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C |
5 | 250% | 200% | 150% | 100% | 50% | T | T | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C |
6 | 300% | 250% | 200% | 150% | 100% | 50% | T | T | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C |
7 | 350% | 300% | 250% | 200% | 150% | 100% | 50% | T | T | D/T/C | D/T/C | D/T/C |
8 | 400% | 350% | 300% | 250% | 200% | 150% | 100% | 50% | T | T | D/T/C | D/T/C |
9 | 450% | 400% | 350% | 300% | 250% | 200% | 150% | 100% | 50% | T | T | D/T/C |
10 | 500% | 450% | 400% | 350% | 300% | 250% | 200% | 150% | 100% | 50% | T | T |
For higher ClLs or ULs see the ClL vs UL spreadsheet.
"Fail" results (on the spreadsheet) indicate the Spell fails to have any effect upon Undead of that UL.
n% = minimum T required to Turn target Undead
T = target Undead Turned
D/T/C = target Undead Dispelled / Turned / Controlled, as applicable depending on Spell Cast
Dispel returns Undead to the Karmic Pool. Incorporeal Undead vanish. Corporeal Undead revert to dead bodies.
Turn causes Undead to flee. They may be encountered again later, especially after close results.
Control results in a Willpower Battle between the Caster and the Undead. The Willpower Battle is resolved separately against each target Undead, with no penalty to the Caster's Wp for multiple targets. Joint Casters attack and defend at the average of their Wps. Domination by the Caster gives him full control of the Undead whilst he maintains Domination. Domination by the Undead gives it full control of the Caster. Control allows the controller to make the subject move and attack normally and use special abilities, but not to make it Cast Spells unless they are known by both the controller and the subject. Undead do not permanently gain or lose Wp in Wp Battles.