Today is the first day of Summer.
In the Overworld, the Combined Fleets have defeated the goblin invasion, and are sailing for the Lands of the Goblins to destroy their shipbuilding facilities. The Jungle tribesmen are hunting down the surviving goblins who fled into the jungle.
In the Underworld Land of Trikāf, the dwarvish and E/L orcish invasion appears to have been defeated, and the remaining invaders are being mopped up by Trikāf units loyal to the Warlord Azord, scouts from the Armies of the Inquisitions of Harrig that still occupy the high passes through the Broken Teeth Mountains, and elements of Hellish forces. It is rumoured that some of these units are competing with each other to capture the mithril mines the dwarves are said to have found in the mountains.
In the Dungeons the dwarves' Cleaving Axe offensive presses on towards the Gates of Hell, as casualties mount on both sides.
The dwarves and gnomes defending Flerrig, supported by Keragund Druids with the Creeping Death, have ambushed and defeated a raiding band of over a hundred orc wargriders that had infiltrated Flerrig from the Ash Waste.
However it appears this was a diversion, as elsewhere in Flerrig the Forces of Evil have been on the offensive, making simultaneous attacks under the cover of Teleport Blocks on Camp Amá, the Bairguba prison camp and the Keragund stronghold of the Shining Caves.
The garrison of Camp Amá were lured out and the Camp was then assaulted by orcs and Nazgűl, seized and burned. But it was quickly retaken when the garrison returned, the attackers melting away into the hills or flying off.
Bairguba was attacked by Evil and Chaotic rebel gnomes using Druidic tree magic and supported by werewolves and orcish wargriders. The dwarf guards fought to the last defending the women and children prisoners from the wolves, or using them as a screen of hostages (depending on which account you believe). Over a hundred prisoners died in the fighting, but several hundred escaped, and the camp (once an E/C gnomish village) has been destroyed.
Meanwhile the Shining Caves were attacked by ghosts, human Snake Cultists (said to be taking revenge for the massacre of one of their settlements in the Far Hills) and orcs, and there are even rumours of trolls and demons being involved. The KOROS Clerics in the Hill Dwarf garrison and the Keragund Druids worked together to dispel and burn the attackers, and the Caves were not taken. But the defenders paid a high cost in Organisms, and the most Sacred Site of the Keragund Cult has been badly scarred.
Now the Teleport Blocks are down, cleanup operations are underway at the Shining Caves and Camp Amá, and a round up operation at Bairguba. This news, especially that from Bairguba, has triggered riots in several gnomish towns in Flerrig.
The Valdrean freelance adventurer expedition to hunt down the goblins who escaped up the River Daruo into the Jungle has clashed with local tribes, who now seem to have sided with the goblin invaders, and are putting up a surprisingly co-ordinated resistance.
The Temple of FIDAR has intervened in an attempt to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the Dwarvish attack on Hell. The King of All Dwarves has stated his terms for withdrawing the attack as the return of the Axe of Dválin from the Treasure House of HALKI, the recognition of his right to the captured Hellish mithril mines and the head of THE BALROG KING. The response from Hell is reputed to have been that HALKI says the Axe is no longer in Hell, and that anyone who can find it in the Dungeons and overcome the traps and guardians may keep it, that the mithril mines belong to Hell, and the Dwarves must pay for any mithril removed when they are retaken, and that if the Dwarf King would care to lead the attack in person, THE BALROG KING will meet him on the field, and he can attempt to take His head. No peace treaty has been concluded.
The Dwarves' Cleaving Axe offensive continues, but unconfirmed rumours continue to circulate of mutinies amongst Hill Dwarf veteran units in the Dungeons. Desertions are said to have increased from all Dwarven units following the claim that the Axe of Dvŕlin is somewhere to be found in the Dungeons. Officially all these stories are denied by the Dwarvish Army as enemy propaganda.
The Dwarves in Flerrig claim to have rounded up the escapees from the Bairguba prison camp and moved them to another undisclosed location. But there are rumours doing the rounds in Flerrig of fierce fighting in the Bairguba area, as escapees and rebel Gnomes resisted arrest, with the assistance of werewolves. In the various towns there is still a climate of fear. There has been further unrest in Mastar and in Zirlon, which the authorities have handled with their usual subtlety. Meanwhile the Keragund are rebuilding their sacred site at the Shining Caves with the assistance of their fellows from the Gasrâk in the Overworld, and are rumoured to be helping evacuate and protect refugee Gnomes, with the assistance of some Neutral Temples.
Rumourmongers in Bjarmigen claim to have heard that mercenaries are being recruited in the Underworld for an attack on Valdrea. Apparently there is a plot by the Evil / Lawfuls to attack the Eastern Provinces of Valdrea backed by LOFIR and WAGREN. They aim to make it secede and make it legal to worship Lawful Gods only, banning ESCUS, SHELDA and KOROS. The wilder versions of this story say that a faction of the Dwarvish Church of SARAN is in favour of this idea, as the Empire isn’t Lawful enough for them. When asked to comment at a function in Bjarmigen Castle, the Dwarvish Ambassador dismissed such tales as the work of DALA.
An Evil counteroffensive against the Dwarves' Cleaving Axe offensive in the Dungeons has ground to a halt, but has had the effect of stalling the Dwarvish advance. Casualties continue to mount, with neither side being able to achieve a decisive breakthrough.
A riot in the town of Teblon in Flerrig escalated when the rioters used magic against the town guard, who responded by breaking into houses and making arrests. The town is under curfew, but resentment is simmering against the authorities, who are perceived to have locked up innocent citizens. For their part the authorities have offered a reward of 1,000GP for information leading to the arrest of the Chaotic Magic-Users.
The elite Mountain Dwarf Paladins of the Royal Guard have at last broken through the Evil perimeter and are leading the advance towards the Gates of Hell itself. However their Hill Dwarf brothers are not following so eagerly in their footsteps, as rumours persist of mutinies, desertions and Evil guerrilla attacks on their rear.
Back in the Mountains of the Dwarves the conscription of fresh recruits has been stepped up, amid rumours of some draft-dodging and armed resistance, even amongst the Mountain Dwarves. A few Valdrean nobility are joining in the fight, but the Emperor has made it clear that they are strictly private volunteers. In the cities of the Underworld, the Hellish paymasters are recruiting mercenaries and press-ganging volunteers for the defence of Hell itself.
The final battle draws nearer.
The Hill and Mountain Dwarves are quietly pulling out of the Underworld Land of Flerrig, as the King of All Dwarves concentrates all his troops on Operation Flaming Axe: the final assault on Hell. The official position is that the Gnomes still owe allegiance to the King, but their own security forces are now sufficiently well-disciplined that they do not need support from the "big brothers". Being Chaotic or Evil is still illegal in Flerrig, by order of the King. Most Gnomish authorities take a live-and-let-live approach to hunting down Chaotics and Evils (especially when the King's eye is elsewhere), but there are still riots and "incidents" - most recently in Perlon.
A rumour has swept through Dwarf Hold that a dwarven adventurer team who have served their military service and refused to re-enlist are hot on the trail of the hiding place of the Axe of Dvŕlin in the Dungeons. They have been Teleporting back for rest, supplies and reinforcements. Most right-thinking Paladins dismiss such tales as the work of DALA. Whilst it is true that there are several such teams in the field, their secrecy is more likely from embarrassment at having found nothing rather than concern to avoid competition for the spoils.
Unconfirmed reports are coming through of skirmishes with elvish cavalry in the Zarq Valley South West of Zarmator. A number of mercenary bands are enlisting to go hunt elves, rather than return to the bloodbath in the Dungeons.
There have been several battles before the Gates of Hell. Reports conflict, but it appears the Dwarves are making all-out assaults on a number of approach routes through the Dungeons, including the Shaft itself, probing for weaknesses. So far they have found none, and in some places they have been repulsed. The fighting is fierce everywhere, with both sides employing various Monsters and Demons or Angels. The surviving Dwarven Paladins are becoming mighty fighters, and a number of Valdrean Noble Champions are assisting on a volunteer, freelance-adventurer basis (taking care to avoid sectors where Angels are deployed). Back in Valdran it is said it will not be long before there is another challenge for the Lion Throne.
The Dwarf King and his elite Royal Guard Paladins have taken the field, and are said to be leading one of the more promising attacks. Rumours are circulating in Hell and out in the Underworld that THE BALROG KING has also assembled His elite Balrogs and Hounds, and is waiting for the Dwarf king at the Gates of Hell.
The Dwarvish Army attacking Hell in the Dungeons has been attacked in its rear by the Imperial Orcish Army of the Greater Orcish Empire. The orcs poured out of uncleared Dungeon complexes which the dwarves had neglected to clear properly in their headlong rush for Hell, and which the Forces of Hell knew well from their training programmes. Some had been garrisoned in secret there for some time. Others were brought in by Teleportal from Ashazôrg and other cities in the Empire, which has been under strict martial law for several days. Further Hellish / Imperial forces have attacked the Dwarves' lines of communications from other points in the Dungeons, and even feinted towards Heaven. The Dwarvish rear beneath Hell has collapsed, but the elite forces in the vanguard have continued their assault on Hell.
There are flashes from the Sun Pit during the Underworld night, as the Dwarves attempt to break through the Gates of Hell from the Shaft, and the Gods and Demigods of Hell repel them.
The Hellish forces in the Dungeons around Hell are deploying some strange cross-bred Monsters. There are reports of Rust Monsters and Cockatrices with Invulnerability to non-magical weapons, under the control of orcs with stone-bladed weapons and wooden shields. But the Dwarves refuse to give up, and have stabilised their position in the rear, whilst continuing the attack on Hell. They are also stubbornly defending the captured mithril mines.
The Dwarves have broken out into the Seventh Circle of Hell, through Falls and ZORAY Dungeon Gateways. The Dwarf King personally led a daylight attack down the ESE Road towards the Shrine of Hate and the Proving Ground of HAERIM. There he was confronted by THE BALROG KING, and They fought hand to hand. The Dwarf King slew THE BALROG KING, but was seriously wounded in doing so, and was in turn slain by the elite Balrog Guard, Who carried off what was left of his corpse to present it to LIAKA and WAGREN.
Meanwhile a titanic battle was raging around the Gorl Dungeon Gateway and the Eastern Perimeter Wall of the Inner Circle. The dwarven Paladins broke into the Inner Circle and attacked down towards the High Temple of HAERIM, but were cut down by BARRL, SKARZ and STRAMMASCH leading an elite force of Demons, Monsters, Scorpions and men and orcs of Hell.
On hearing that their King had fallen but that THE BALROG KING had been slain, Crown Prince Dáin (now King of All Dwarves) ordered a withdrawal back into the Dungeons, and a fighting retreat to their Teleportal points and the defensive positions around the mithril mines. Dáin was himself killed as he defended the retreat, and his brothers Thráin (now himself King) and Náin took command. The Dwarves have not given up, but they are now under siege beneath Hell and have lost control of much of the rest of the Dungeons. Many Mountain Dwarf Paladins have died, but they have taken many more Evils with them.
Controversy rages over why the Dwarves attacked Hell, and why the Gods of Heaven did not intervene to assist them in the final battle.
The generally accepted view in the Overworld is that the late King Dválin had sworn an oath, though stories differ as to whether he swore revenge upon THE BALROG KING when he was captured at the Battle of Garf Lea and ransomed back from captivity in Hell, or whether after taking Heaven he promised Hell to SARAN as well. The Hellish mithril mines must also have been a big lure to the Dwarves, who thought the Forces of Hell were broken after the Fall of Heaven. Amongst the Elves it is simply considered that the Dwarves were too stubborn and/or stupid to know when to stop.
This is also a commonly-held view in the Underworld, where arrogance and hubris are added to their list of faults. The conspiracy theory in the Underworld says the whole thing was a plot by the Hell's Teeth Demigods (and particularly JAKK), possibly hatched when the Dwarf King was held captive in Hell. Their aim was to demonstrate Their power as Defenders of Hell by provoking or instigating an attack upon Hell. However They may have miscalculated by allowing the Dwarves to enter Hell itself.
As to why the Gods of Heaven
did not intervene, the Underworld view is that They were too cowardly and afraid
of losing. In the Overworld it is pointed out that Their Angels and
Demigods were involved in the fighting, and that the Gods of Hell did not take
the field either. Intervention by SARAN and ESCUS would simply have
resulted in ZAKEL, WAGREN, ALTIS and the rest intervening in response.
Today is Midsummer's Day. Gather your mistletoe (and other seasonal media) whilst you may.
The War in the Dungeons is just about over. King Thráin withdrew as many of his troops as he could through the Teleportals, protected by the Angels of SARAN and those Paladins who insisted on making a last stand in the mithril mines. Determined not to repeat his father's mistakes, Thráin returned to Gabilkhazâd-Dűm to secure his realm, where unrest was spreading. He summoned the Hill Dwarf King and the leading Gnomic Elders to swear fealty to him, but so far they have been too busy securing their own territories. His brother Náin has taken command of Gathol-Dválin (Dwarf Hold) and is overseeing the orderly withdrawal of the rest of the Army from the Dungeons and its redeployment in defence of Heaven and Dwarf Hold itself, and back to the Mountains of the Dwarves to help the King restore order.
The Imperial Orcish Army of the Greater Orcish Empire mounted various operations in the Dungeons to obstruct Prince Náin's efforts and slaughter as many Dwarves as possible. They also took part in the recapture of the Hellish mithril mines, led by the Hell's Teeth and the Army of Hell. The Emperor received a sizeable payment in mithril in reward, and his troops were even paid a bonus (in gold). They have now mostly withdrawn, although a number of warbands are still operating in the Dungeons - either under orders or having deserted.
Some freelance bands of Dwarves, Orcs and even humans from Fort Venture are still hunting for the Axe of Dválin. Others are looking for rumoured mithril caches. Many of the Evils are hunting the various bounties offered by Hell - chief amongst which are General Thorgrim Bloodwaster, the Gnomes of the Tunnel Rats who were responsible for the Creeping Death, and the wargrider Captain Darion (who has been branded a traitor and deserter by STRAMMASCH).
This Month in the Overworld has the rare occurrence of two Full Moons, on the 1st and 26th. The Temple of MIRIMI and the Wolf Cults (especially in Kyr) are going into a frenzy over this. It is not an issue in the Underworld, where the Valdresian Calendar is not used.
The price of mithril in both the Overworld and Underworld has fallen back from recent highs. It seems the Dwarves looted large quantities during their brief control of the Hellish mines, and the Greater Orcish Empire took whatever was left. Mithril is now coming onto the market from both sources. In the Overworld, King Thráin is struggling to collect his tax, with the black market flourishing and respect for the King at a new low.
Nima has updated his pricelist at the Magic Item Shop in Fort Venture, including some new items. It is rumoured he is offering top prices for mithril.
A Magic Item shop, run by Kâko the Binder, has been opened in competition to Nima in Dwarf Hold, now that it is open to adventurers again.
Taur-Galen town in the Forest of the Elves is buzzing with rumours of a Dwarf who turned up with a Black Pudding and visited the High Temple of RAYLIT. The Dwarf is said to be a war hero from the recent battles in the Dungeons. Speculation is rife that the RAYLIT Temple are building their own force of Creeping Death in the cellars beneath the Temple - though quite what they would use it for, the gossips do not explain.
On the night of the second Full Moon this month, a Star has fallen upon the town of Kövik on the NW coast of Kyr. Red lightning can be seen still playing over the location from miles away. The Temple of SARAN are saying that the town has been destroyed by Chaos and most of its population of 4,000 killed or possessed by Chaos whilst they were peacefully celebrating a Wolf Cult festival in the streets. The Valdrean Emperor Arril of Tarm has announced that this was no coincidence, and TERRIK Troublemakers or Terrorists are most likely responsible. Both the Empire and the Dwarves are rapidly deploying their Paladins of SARAN to assist King Zorgar of Kyr, using the Teleportal techniques recently perfected in the campaigns in the Badlands and the Underworld.
The outbreak of Chaos in Kyr is spreading rapidly. The Chaos-Werewolves from Kövik are marching up the road onto the Central Plateau, possessing those villagers and farmers who have not fled in panic. There is rioting in Ravö and Vergaz, where Chaos-Werewolves have appeared and tried to possess the townspeople. A rapid deployment of Valdrean Paladins led by Lissir of Bavenne to Ravö, facilitated by Baroness Analisa, defeated the Chaotics, who appeared like werewolves but in a variety of fantastic shapes, and tried to throw red fire-Chaos.
Battle rages on in the streets of Vergaz, where the Chaotic leader Radino has succeeded in taking a large part of the town. Many people have fled in terror, but most of the Town Guard have stood firm and are being reinforced by Mountain Dwarven Paladin veterans of the War in the Dungeons led by Prince Náin and Field Marshal Thorgrim Bloodwaster. Back in the capital, Gorreth, Emperor Arril has gathered the wielders of the Seven Swords of Valdrea and King Zorgar is levying his army to defeat the Chaotic menace.
Chaotic riots have broken out elsewhere in the Overworld, whether in imitation of those in Kyr or spread by Radino and his Chaos-Werewolves is not clear. The main outbreaks are in the Valdrean port of Hapral and the Hill Dwarven town of Tumunzahar. An uprising in Bjarmigen was quickly and ruthlessly suppressed by King Bjřrn and Lord Protector Harrek. The Valdreans have deployed Paladins to Hapral, but the Seven Swords remain in Kyr. The Hill Dwarf King Borin has refused aid from the Mountain Dwarves, and is deploying his own Paladin veterans to Tumunzahar and to Barrakizdîn.
Initial skirmishes have taken place on the Central Plateau of Kyr between Radino's Chaos-Werewolves, who are occupying the central mountains and forest, and Kyrian and Valdrean scouting cavalry. A number of Chaotics are reported slain, but rumour has it that some of the cavalry were turned to Chaos. In Vergaz Náin and Thorgrim have wiped out the Chaotics, but have outraged the surviving populace by their brutal slaughter of anyone who Detected as Chaotic. Náin simply replied that extermination was the only effective way to deal with vermin. There are reports of fighting between the Dwarves and elements of the Town Guard.
Chaotic rioting has spread to the Underworld. There has been fighting in the streets of Ashazôrg in the Greater Orcish Empire, but whether this was the Chaos-Werewolves or a pretext of the Emperor's to raze the Temple of DALA to the ground is unclear. The situation in Klěn is more critical, as the town was still recovering from the battle last Kemel. Here Kraz, former Warlord of Vlŕger, is said to have made a re-appearance, and the Wizard Yeohrl and Warlord Zert, supported by the Temple of WAGREN, are struggling to destroy the menace.
The Dwarves have marched out of Vergaz, and are heading South to attack Radino from the North, whilst the Valdrean and Kyrian armies deploy to his South. King Zorgar has visited Ravö and Vergaz. Whilst expressing sympathy and promising aid to the survivors, he has defended the use of the Dwarves, pointing to the example of Kövik as what can happen if Chaos is allowed to reign unchecked. But he has promised that if the possessed can effectively be Dispelled of Chaos and do not then Detect as Chaotic, they will not be killed - and that he will make it clear to the Dwarves that is the law here in Kyr. If they still Detect as Chaotic, he cannot take the risk that they are not still infected.
Another Star has fallen into the Central Forest of Kyr. Red fires can be seen glowing within the forest. Meanwhile there are skirmishes in the deserted streets of Kövik between Valdrean Paladins and Chaos-Werewolves.
Lissir of Bavenne has announced the eradication of Chaos from Kövik. Earlier reports indicated there was a nexus of Chaos there, with red lightning falling from the sky. Lissir's announcement makes no specific mention of having destroyed it.
The combined Kyrian, Valdrean and Dwarvish forces have surrounded the Central Forest of Kyr and are laying siege to it, complete with Teleport Block.
The Valdrean Empire, Kingdom of the Dwarves, Kingdom of the North, Kingdom of Kyr and Kuntax have all announced extended Teleport bans in order to control the spread of the Chaotic Starweb threat. Any form of Teleporting (including Clerical Recalls and Druidic Transports) to destinations in those countries other than official Teleport Gateways is prohibited until further notice, on pain of death. The ban is being enforced by Paladinic Follow and Strike Teams and by Reset Location Spells. SARAN has granted a waiver to the Valdrean Empire to allow them to use the Dwarves' Demon Summoning to track offenders. There is much speculation as to the effectiveness of these measures. The Southern Cities and Elves are also establishing Teleport Gateways, and are expected to join the ban soon.
There has been fierce fighting in the siege in Central Kyr, as the Lawfuls close the noose around the Chaotics. But the Chaos-Werewolves are fighting a guerrilla war in a large area of difficult terrain, and are proving elusive. As night falls a number of fires have been started, possibly by both sides, and the flames are being fanned by wind Spells.
The Chaotic forces of Radino in Central Kyr have mounted a surprise attack in force on their Lawful besiegers, and a large band of Chaos-Werewolves has broken free. Rumour has it that they have infected a number of Lawful Paladins with Starweb. However the Lawfuls are mounting a major effort to hunt them down and destroy them.
Remember, says the rumourmonger, you heard it from me first!
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