Anarea 1-off D: Breaking the Law 7 to 26 Aval 2000
Scenario 15. (X)'s all in the mind!
I roam the banks of Chaos in my mind. I’m looking for some troublesome KOROS Demons. I could really do without them. But the trouble with opening your mind to everything is that anyone can walk right in.
The trees here grow down from the clouds, and it rains up from the ground. It must get unpleasant in a thunderstorm.
It's all here: ideas, possibilities, impossibilities, and a few memories I picked up along the way. It's interesting to consider what each is, and whether it is, or was, or may become, true or false. Just what colour should the windows in dogs really be? But, ultimately, it's all irrelevant.
What are memories anyway? Is there, or was there ever, a past? You come across stories in your head. Did each really happen, or did you just dream it up? If you were to go back to it, would it change it, or just the memory?
Someone else remembers something too. Maybe you have told him that one before. Maybe you told him. What does it matter? Let me tell you another story.
Do we learn from such things? Only by thinking through all the possibilities can you know what may happen in any given situation. But there are many possibilities.
Have you been here before? It can never be exactly the same. Sometimes it is easier to rely on intuition. Herein lies ChaosMastery. Relax, and let it happen. Enjoy yourself a little.
Didn't you say something like that once before? Once upon a dream.
The Chaos flowed into the mind of the ArchChaosMaster, and his power, his potential, increased. Namaja laughed, and unreality changed.
Maybe he would soon be ready to take on the Emperor again, but somehow it now seemed less important. If Here filled his mind, and was everything, then there was nothing else.
When the Chaos Index Here reaches 4, Namaja will be found. He is Chaos Index 5. The ArchChaosMaster. At the Heart of the Chaos.
See Scenario "Tripping into Chaos" - only worse. With a Chaos Index of 4, it may be up to 20% comprehensible to normal senses. Those Questors who have reached this far will inevitably have acquired a degree of ChaosMastery, or been extremely (un)lucky.
See separate sheet on "The Story of Namaja".
Namaja's followers (C) Only the bravest / most fanatical / most insane / (un)luckiest have made it to / remained in the centre of the former colony. They may take any form and are likely to be accomplished ChaosMasters themselves. Their great weakness is their subservience to Namaja, who correctly despises and ignores such attitude.
Namaja, the ArchChaosMaster (GM) ChML 40-50 (see separate Character Spec. & spreadsheet); He has reached the ultimate peak of ChaosMastery, by giving himself up completely to the Chaos, and effectively becoming it. He has reached the final paradox of achieving everything, by doing nothing. He no longer seeks in any way to achieve anything, or educate anyone, he simply lets it all happen. He may chat with those who come to question him. He may say anything. Nothing has any meaning / everything has all meanings to him now. Humanity is an irrelevant concept to him now. He is beyond Good and Evil.
And yet, since nothing is, by definition, impossible, he might take some action - not inconceivably to help the Questors.
Namaja is the centre of the Chaos, and would appear to have the capacity to control it. Since anything can be done with this much Chaos, it should be possible to use it to cancel out the Law, and itself, so restoring the Balance of Neutrality. This will clearly require ChaosMastery. Namaja must either be persuaded to do it, or one must oneself defeat him and become the ArchChaosMaster.
The problem is that ArchChaosMastery is not a matter of making the Chaos do what one wants. A way must be found of letting what one wants happen. This must be possible, as everything is possible with Chaos. If this can be achieved, Namaja can be defeated, and Neutrality restored.
He who achieves it will (at the DM's discretion) become a L50 ChaosMaster. He will also become a potentially direr threat to Anarea than Namaja. He need not be Chaotic. Indeed, a degree of Lawfulness is implied in the required specification.
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