Anarea 1-off D: Breaking the Law 7 to 26 Aval 2000
Scenario 6. (L / N / C)
Amongst the greatest achievements of the Valdrean Empire is its contribution to learning and civilisation. Since the days of the old Valdrean Monarchy, before the foundation of the First Empire in the Year 500, the rulers of the city of Valdran have maintained a library on the present site in the heart of the city. With few exceptions, it has been the policy of the Emperors to build up the Imperial Library (as the old Royal Library became) as not just the central repository of records, information and learning for the Empire, but also as the greatest storehouse of knowledge in the World. Generations of skilled librarians have been encouraged and funded to build up an unrivalled collection of books and scrolls of all kinds from all over the World, and have developed, maintained and perfected indexing systems sufficient to enable proper use of this vast resource. But both Library and indices have grown to such an extent that even the present army of librarians are not familiar with more than the most commonly-used rooms, shelves and volumes, together with those specialised areas in which individuals have made their studies. For the present Library site occupies an exact square mile of central Valdran, and who knows what secrets are hidden within its maze of rooms and passages? Here is an obvious source of information for the Questers, if they can make effective use of it.
A square site within the Sacred City, close to the Citadel, an exact mile on each side. The grandiose central Library building adjoins a host of other buildings; some specially built for the Library, others converted from previous uses. A series of pleasant and humdrum courts, cloisters, gardens and avenues connects the whole. The outside wall is fortified and the City Guard are on duty. The Library is open throughout the day, and at night by special arrangement. Access is, of course, restricted, the final say resting with the Head Librarian. The Nobility have Open Access to all sections not specifically Restricted (e.g. works of Chaos, or Grimoires of Demonology).
The proximity of the Library to the Citadel will render it liable to be affected by the Law. Law will tend to correct errors and untruths in the works in the Library, to standardise them (in terms of handwriting, binding, etc.), and then to eliminate Chaotic works, replacing them with copies of Lawful equivalents. It will correct errors in the indices, but otherwise can have little effect on them until the higher Law states are reached.
One of the more obscure corners of the Library is the present hiding place of the Book of Law: one of the legendary Nine books of OMERRON, which are said to contain the sum total of All Knowledge, divided up by Alignment. No Imperial Authority is aware the Book is secreted in the Library, and guarded by Demons. Those Higher Powers Whose Province is Law or Lawful Information are aware of the Book's location, for They have the right to consult it.
Cantrix (L) Head Librarian, is now a very old man. He will be 100 later this year. Blind, hunchbacked and with long, but beautifully-combed (by his two devoted young female servants) white hair and beard, he now never leaves the single room that serves him as study and bedroom. His thought processes work slowly now, but his mind remains sharp, and his power of total recall is undimmed. He can, given time, quote from any book in the collection which he has ever read, or had read to him (the girls read out loud to him now he is blind), and can describe its location in the Library (although this may be out of date). Analysis of the quotation will take him somewhat longer. Cantrix will support whatever line the Emperor takes regarding the Law, unless and until he realises his precious books are under threat, when he will become extremely agitated, and will insist upon personally leading the Questers to such books as they require to consult in order to stop the threat. Cantrix is a pure scholar, with no Adventurer abilities. His knowledge of life outside the Library is restricted to his extensive reading.
Jerome (N) Deputy Librarian, is aged 60. He is extremely intelligent and in full possession of his faculties. He dresses in black robes, and has close-cropped silver hair, with a bald patch on top. His features are too sharp to be handsome. His forte is as an administrator, and he has taken on all the duties of Head Librarian and full command of the Under Librarians. He alone can grant access to Cantrix. Jerome's weakness is his lack of knowledge of the contents of the Library. He leaves this area to others, and will therefore never make a decision as to whether to grant access to a particular volume, either entrusting the decision to a junior, or referring it up to Cantrix if it appears important. He has L1 IBT as a Cleric of KOROS.
Under Librarians (C) This highly-disciplined army of functionaries is likely to form a considerable hindrance to the Questers' research, by dint of their insistence upon the procedures which are necessary to keep control of this vast institution, and due to their general lack of interest in the knowledge actually stored in the Library.
The Creed of KOROS (N) KOROS teaches that the World is composed of Law and Chaos in balance, equalling Neutrality. The image of the Scales is particularly apt; in that it not only refers to the weighing of souls against each other in the Karmic order, but also to the precarious balance between Law and Chaos on which the continued survival of the World depends. For an overpreponderance of either Law or Chaos will tip the balance in its own direction, and a point can be reached where the tipping over will carry on all the way. KOROS warns against this danger in the Creed, stressing the importance of maintaining the Balance.
The Creed of SARAN (L) SARAN teaches that the Ultimate Goal of the Lawful must logically be Complete Law. This is to be achieved by the progressive ordering of the World towards that great aim. Increasing benefits result from greater order in all things. A key lesson is derived from the sacrifice of one's one free will towards the greater order. The benefits this produces are expressed initially in terms of greater success in all things for all involved, through mutual co-operation, but ultimately in terms of spiritual fulfilment: the supreme satisfaction of achievement of one's chosen destiny. The Creed is not specific as to what this may involve in practical terms.
The Creed of DALA (C) DALA does not teach coherent lessons. Her Creed, which exists in various versions, is a miscellany of interesting truths, assertions, stories and images. Lawful studies of it in the Library theorise that its purpose is to discourage reliance upon a consistent set of principles, and to encourage free thought, imagination and inconsistency. Wider analyses suggest that this can produce extremely capable individuals, but that the general level of competence amongst devotees must necessarily be lower than that achieved by Lawfuls.
The Chaotica (C) This is perhaps the most infamous work of Chaotic philosophy. If a serious study of Chaos is being made, it is an obvious choice, but Cantrix's authorisation will be required. The original is in Chaos Speech, although translations into Valdrean exist. The work is attributed to an insane Desert Nomad and DALA Cultist, who is said to have wandered too long under the clear desert skies. The author is clearly obsessed by the stars, making frequent reference to them, and claiming to have walked amongst them. There are also several particularly obscene passages, involving bizarre sex with weird beings encountered by the author. Yet, despite the incoherence common to Chaotic writings, it is clear that a powerful intellect was at work here, and there is a disturbing central theme of the collapse of the World into pure Chaos. A recurring motif is that of opening "Gates" into "Other Worlds" of pure Chaos. Various extraordinary rituals are suggested for achieving this, but a footnote to the most recent Valdrean translation (by Tandrys) theorises that a key element is a massive effort of will and expenditure of energy by a truly Chaotic, and apparently insane, mind.
The Writings of Tandrys the Wise (N) These fill a sizeable bookshelf, although the more Restricted works are stored separately. They appear to cover all conceivable subjects of serious thought. In his "Of Law and Chaos" Tandrys considers the nature of the composition of the World, and posits that it is composed of equal parts of both Law and Chaos, citing the examples he has collected or observed which illustrate the matter. This, and later works, consider the possibility of the equilibrium of Law and Chaos being upset. Tandrys theorises that the result would be a Worldwide increase in Lawful or Chaotic incidents, of the kind which he describes in his famous "Omens: their true meaning", and he does not exclude the possibility of both kinds occurring simultaneously, as his analysis has shown this has happened in the past. In the concluding chapter of "Omens" he reasons that these localised effects must always be outweighed by the position Worldwide, as the whole of the World is weighed in KOROS' Balance, metaphorically speaking. Individual imbalances, he states, should always be righted in the natural course. But in his recent (12 years old) "Possible Futures" he considers the theoretical possibility that a severe local imbalance could be sufficiently strong, on a Worldwide measure, to imbalance the Scales. He suggests a very large scale occurrence over a wide area would be required, but does not give examples. This passage is carefully worded, but it draws an analogy with the Ultimate Goal described in the Creed of SARAN, suggesting in suitably respectful terms that this might be a method of achieving such an aim.
Grimoires (C) These will give detailed information of possible assistance in the Summoning of Demons, including True Names, but an experienced Binder will be required as Operator (see separate Scenario: "Dark Secrets").
An Account of the Chaotic Menace Known as "The Starweb" (L) This factual volume, written by an anonymous High Priest of SARAN, is perhaps the best contemporary source of information on the Starweb. It describes its origin in the Fallen Star brought to Hapral by the ChaosMaster Abditus masquerading as a member of the Thieves' Guild, its spread into the city, so escaping the destruction of the Star by the Young LOFIR, and its subsequent manifestations as the mind-linked Starweb, the drug-crazed Illuminati, and the most recent Cult of the Ones, which the author was combating. The Ones retain the features of the joint mind and Chaotic powers, but achieve them through rituals, the highlight of which is bisexual group sex. The author theorises that the Starweb is now sexually transmitted, but is weaker than in the past, and requires the ritual to bring out its effects. His recommended solution in all cases is Dispel Chaos, but he cautions that the total eradication of the menace will be exceptionally difficult, due to its insidious nature, and in particular its observed ability to transmute into new manifestations.
The Book of Law Consult DM if access achieved.
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