Anarea        1-off D: Breaking the Law        7 to 26 Aval 2000

Scenario 5. (L / N / C)

Dark Secrets


Any form of participation in Demon Summoning within the Valdrean Empire is a capital offence. Yet it is not illegal for Valdrean Citizens to participate in Summoning outside the borders of the Empire; although they have to be careful how they use the results.

There is a flourishing Demon Summoning industry at Fort Venture; used principally by the Valdrean Nobility. The Council of Binders there demand a high price for their services, and are unlikely to be moved by pleas that the future of the World depends upon their assistance when the client is well able to pay handsomely. Indeed, the circumstances would seem to them to argue for a price increase.

It will also be known to the Emperor and the Director of the Inquisition into Demon Summoning (Castor of Bavenne and L Player knowledge only) that the I.D.S. is authorised to engage in certain limited Demon Summoning activities (known as "Counter-Summoning Operations"), for the sole purpose of furthering the elimination of Binding from the Empire. Since the Questors' purposes will differ from this, any attempt by them to use I.D.S. Counter-Summoning facilities should be opposed by the Inquisition.

The Dwarves of Gabilkhazad-Dum also have a reputation as Binders of some power, although little is known of their activities, even amongst the Dwarves. The Dwarven Binders are, in fact, under close Royal control, and the King of the Mountain Dwarves is, in the inscrutable way of his race, even more subservient to the will of SARAN than the Valdrean Emperor. Dwarf Hold (Gathol-Dválin) has a comparable commercial Demon Summoning operation to Fort Venture, though they will be unwilling to sell their services to humans without the permission of the Lord of Gathol-Dválin.

Demon Summoning services can also be bought in the bazaars of Kuntax and the Free Cities. The latter harbour the more powerful Operators, and the more dubious deals. Prices are likely to be even more outrageous than in Fort Venture, especially if the true nature of the Quest is revealed, and will almost certainly involve the surrender of souls.

The only other possibility that might occur to the Questors is that the Dukes of Sveso in the Kingdom of the North are reported to employ the services of Binders. The I.D.S. have been monitoring these activities, and according to their file the present Duke is the patron of a number of powerful Northern Binders.


Demon Summoners are to be found anywhere, but more easily in some places than in others.  Those mentioned above are the most likely possibilities so far as the Quest is concerned.

Whoever is approached, his Summoning Chamber is likely to be much the same as those of all the others: deep underground, marked out in the appropriate fashion, and filled with all the usual accoutrements.  Only the more dubious Operators of Tehmor or Vavistor are likely to perform a human blood sacrifice in the presence of distinguished clients, unless of course it is a strict requirement of the Demon being Summoned, according to the Operator's Grimoire.

Background Information

The Questors may either seek information or assistance from Demons.  The Demons will, of course, deny Their ability to provide either.  In fact, as every Summoner knows, Demons are extremely powerful Beings, capable of doing, or revealing, almost anything.  The trick is finding the right Demon for what is required, and then compelling and/or bribing Him to do it.  In this case it would appear that information is likely to be easier to procure than assistance, but then anything is possible - in theory.


Abron, Beldar and Carsus (N) The Council of Binders at Fort Venture (see above for pricing)

Head of Counter-Summoning Operations, I.D.S. (L): an anonymous, hooded man known only as "Counter".  Rumoured by junior officers of the I.D.S. to be a disguised Demon or possibly EXXOR's human lover.  Will assist Castor of Bavenne (if he is still Director of the I.D.S.) with any Summoning he may require, but will take great care to ensure it is for the sole purpose of furthering the elimination of Binding from the Empire.  Will be unconvinced by arguments that the Empire needs to be saved in order to eliminate Binding from it, as if the Empire has become Pure Law, no Binding can take place in it.  Will offer to Summon FORAS to settle any logical dispute along these lines.

Dvalin XX, Lawsayer (L) King of the Mountain Dwarves: will Commune with SARAN for guidance if requested to assist in opposing the Law, but if approached by the Valdrean Emperor for assistance with Summoning will otherwise be disposed to assist (for a price).

Dúrin the Reckless (L) Lord of the refounded Gathol-Dválin, wielder of the Axe of SARAN (see separate Character Spec. and spreadsheet)  See Scenario "The Sage" to determine whether he is away visiting Tandrys the Wise, and for more background on him.  Dúrin is a Binder himself, and may be willing to assist in a Summoning free of charge, if he considers the proposal sensible.  But he will take the lead in any course of action.

Kadax (N) Merchant Binder of Kuntax (see above for pricing)

Various Binders, intermediaries and con artists of the Free Cities (C) (see above for pricing)

Duke Bjřrn of Sveso (N): if approached, Duke Bjřrn will be willing to help, but will require in return assistance in building up his military strength.

Various Demons (L/N/C), of Whom the following may be most relevant:

Clues / Red Herrings

L/N/C Alignment Demons (e.g. the Demon Kings or Knowledge Demons)

The World is composed of both Law and Chaos.  When Law and Chaos are in balance they form Neutrality, which is manifested as the normality experienced by the lesser Beings that inhabit the World.  When Law and Chaos are not in balance, Law will tend to concentrate at a point of imbalance, as it is now doing, but Chaos may manifest itself randomly, in the sort of incongruous incidents that one experiences from time to time.  The solution to either discontinuity is to apply the opposite Alignment force, so as to restore Neutrality.

Law Demons

They will confirm that the manifestation in the heart of the Empire is indeed pure Law, and will enthuse appropriately about its perfection.  They may even have the bad grace to crow about SARAN's imminent victory.  They can confirm that the rate of expansion of the Law is that it is exactly doubling in size each Caeriad, and that the whole World will therefore be subsumed on the last day of the month.  Naturally, They are able to go into further details.  They cannot conceive of any method of stopping the inevitable triumph of the Law.

Chaos Demons

Red herrings by the shoal!  The following facts may appear to have more relevance (but the cleverest Demons will appear to have got to the point, whilst in fact imparting disinformation).  Chaos is the star-stuff that exists beyond the confines of the World, but it may also manifest within the World, or sometimes (in its more powerful manifestations) as an alternative reality to the World.  By its very nature, Chaos can do absolutely anything.  The control or use of such manifestations is known as "ChaosMastery", and may be considered as a form of Magic-Using.  But naturally ChaosMastery does not follow set rules, and sometimes anyone can be a ChaosMaster.  There is, however, a fundamental problem with the art, and that is that any attempt to control or influence Chaos involves an imposition of Law upon it, and so reduces its power.  This is why it is much easier for a Chaotic to become a ChaosMaster than a Lawful.  For similar reasons it is virtually impossible to describe how to be a ChaosMaster; the best method is to study an expert.  If pressed, the Demon may talk vaguely about not trying to influence the Chaos, but attempting to flow with it.  He may digress about the paradox of ChaosMastery involving not Mastering Chaos at all, but if really pressed the best explanation of the art She will give is that it is all a matter of believing certain things will happen by chance, without trying to change the course of events so that they do happen.  Of course, if the belief is strong enough it may be impossible to distinguish ChaosMastery from delusion.  The World's greatest ChaosMaster is, or was, Namaja, the so-called ArchChaosMaster.  "Was" because he has disappeared from current normal Demon knowledge.  Failing him, the greatest ChaosMasters are to be found in the Underworld Land of Hulmo.  Comparisons are difficult, but one name that might be mentioned is Fyz.  In the Overworld, there are ChaosMasters amongst the Jungle tribes, the Elves and in Tehmor and amongst the Desert tribes, but the greatest ChaosMasters in the Overworld are to be found in the undersea city of Chaxachitlan.  However, even the most accomplished ChaosMasters of the Overworld have not attained the levels reached by the Masters of the Underworld.

Conspiracy Demons

There is a long-standing conspiracy amongst the more fanatically Lawful elements in the Valdrean Empire to make the Empire so perfectly Lawful that it will bring about the final triumph of SARAN and the Force of Law.  The conspirators have formed a Secret Society known as "The Order of the Sun Diamond".  The plot has its origins in the Foundation of the First Empire and creation of the Sun Diamond in the Year 500, but gathered strength upon the Demarcation of SARAN in the Year 1500.  Its greatest exponent to date was the Emperor Narsus VI of Aven, whose son Decus XX is the culmination of The Order's and Narsus' plot for the most perfect Lawfulness.  The only real setback Narsus suffered was when his elder son, and Decus' twin, Narsus ran away before his initiation as a Paladin (and into the Order), and was never seen again.

The Order of the Sun Diamond abhor Demon Summoning and have not therefore protected their conspiracy against AINI or Law Demons imparting knowledge of it.  This irks AINI, Who will freely tell of their conspiracy, including any current plotting against the Questors.

For a listing of the members of The Order see separate Scenario "The Lawbreakers".

Prophecy Demons

Lawful Prophecy says the triumph of the Law is inevitable, and sees no future beyond the end of the month.  However, Chaotic Prophecy appears to say that Chaos may also triumph, but gives no straight answer as to how.  SURGAT may bow before Decus of Mastrin (or the bearer of Cumarel) and intone "Hail to the Master!"

Tracking / Location Demons

Tracking Demons will be of some assistance in following Namaja's trail (see separate Scenario(s)).  Location Demons will be of no assistance.  Either will be of assistance in contacting the Secret Temple of DALA in Valdran (see separate Scenario), or in pursuing various red herrings.

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