Binder Demon Grimoire
of Books
Alignment / Host: N/L
Rank: Prelate
Lord No. 247
Sex: m
DL = 29
Appears as a bespectacled old sage bearing a great Book chained to His
wrist, attended by Bookworms
In Circle:
- Will present the Operator with a copy of any book which he can specify, and to which he could normally gain access.
- Will answer three questions about any book which Operator can specify, and to which he could normally gain access
(BORRO's Book appears to become that book).
- Will identify any book presented to Him and answer three questions about
- Will teach any Participant the art of good writing.
In Triangle:
- Will present the Operator with a copy of any book which he can specify, irrespective of whether he could normally gain access to
it. Pacts may be required for more secret or forbidden books.
- Will answer three questions about any book which Operator can specify,
irrespective of whether he could normally gain access to it (BORRO's Book
appears to become that book). Pacts may be required for more secret or
forbidden books.
Always Bookworms, except for certain Cults (e.g. gives Spider Forms to the
Liantelië, a bookish Spider Cult of the Calaquendi).
- Can identify any book (even if does not speak the language in which it is
- Can search a library and retrieve a named book or a book on a particular
- Can search a book and find the next page with a specified word (in the
Language in which specified).
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