Binder Demon Grimoire
of Teleportation
Alignment / Host: N/L
Rank: Prelate
Lord No. 241
Sex: f
DL = 30
Appears in the form of a comely woman of middle age, winged and garbed
in grey. Bears a scroll and a staff, the latter surmounted by a bright diamond.
In Circle:
- Will Bind any Planist Elementalist
Spell not involving the Astral or Ethereal Planes for any Participant,
provided a Planist Elemental would normally Bind it for that Participant
(Spell still requires learning).
- Will teach a Participant how to Cast any Planist Spell not involving the
Astral or Ethereal Planes he has previously Bound (gives the equivalent of 10
hours learning the Spell or a +0.4 Experience Plus on the Spell if already
fully learned, but without the equivalent El'ist Experience). This
Favour will only be granted once per Session, and not if the Favour in 1.
above has previously been granted.
- Will Bind or teach Generalist
Elementalist Spells as above, but not in the same Session as Planist
Spells, and vice-versa.
- Will Teleport any Participant anywhere in the World. Will not
Teleport to locations She has been Bound not to reveal.
- Will teach any Participant any Teleport location (without the need for him
to visit it). Participant must be able clearly to specify the Location.
Will not teach locations She has been Bound not to reveal.
In Triangle:
- Will Bind any Planist Elementalist
Spell not involving the Astral or Ethereal Planes for any Participant,
even if a Planist Elemental would not normally Bind it for that Participant
(Spell still requires learning).
- Will teach a Participant how to Cast any Planist Spell not involving the
Astral or Ethereal Planes he has previously
Bound (gives the equivalent of 20 hours learning the Spell or a +0.8
Experience Plus on the Spell if already fully learned, but without the
equivalent El'ist Experience). This Favour will only be granted once per
Session, and not if the Minor Favours in 1. or 2. in the Circle above have
previously been granted.
- Will Bind or teach Generalist
Elementalist Spells as above, but not in the same Session as Planist
Spells, and vice-versa.
- Will Teleport any Participant to anywhere on the Ethereal or Astral Planes.
Will not Teleport to locations She has been Bound not to reveal, or the
Ethereal or Astral equivalents of such locations.
- Will open a Teleportal to anywhere in the World. Will not open a
Teleportal to locations She has been Bound not to reveal.
- Will teach any Participant any Teleport location on the Ethereal or Astral Planes.
Participant must be able clearly to specify the Location. Will not teach
locations She has been Bound not to reveal, or the Ethereal or Astral
equivalents of such locations.
- Will Reset any location
to which would Teleport a Participant.
- Pact: will reveal the True Name of a Planist Elemental.
- Pact: will grant an
Activated Planist Elemental Item.
- Pact: Will give other Teleport Magic Items.
- Pact: Will impose / remove
Teleport Blocks.
- Pact: may be Bound not to reveal Teleport locations, or to reveal a
particular location which He has been paid less not to reveal. Many
Higher Powers have made such Pacts to protect Their abodes.
- May Cast any Planist Spell not involving the Astral or Ethereal Planes which Master may Cast as if
It were an
Elementalist of his Level, or any Planist Spell involving the Astral or
Ethereal Planes or Generalist Spell which Master may Cast as if It were
an Elementalist of half his Level. Will not Cast any other Class of El'ist Spell.
- Has Its Master's full Pluses on Planist Spells and half Its Master's Pluses on
Generalist Spells (FRD to nearest 0.1).
- Other Magic-Using Abilities @ Master's abilities / 4
- Blink as innate ability. May delay re-appearance.
- Teleport as innate ability to or with
- Never suffer disorientation time.
- Always learn locations by Absolute Position
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