* Restricted Information: only those who have come across or learned of them

Magic Item Specification

Type of Item: varies, but typically rings, wands or staves

Activated Elemental Items


Description: an item with a mounted gemstone of a colour or type appropriate to the Bound Elemental


  1. Counts as a permanently Activated Elemental of a certain Class and Level for the Caster to Cast Elementalist Spells.
  2. Some Rings may give automatic pluses on Spells it performs.
  3. A few Rings have a permanent telepathic link between wearer and Elemental.

e.g. an Activated Elemental Ring might be a Bound L5 Enchanter Elemental giving +1 on all Enchanter Spells up to L5 provided the Throw (after its plus) does not exceed the maximum T which it is capable of producing.


  1. For Rings, see General Notes on Magic Rings.

  2. Gemstone is a Bound Elemental.  It may be Activated into Conference using its True Name.

  3. The Elemental will not freely reveal its True Name.  The original owner of the Item will normally know its True Name, and some Items may have it inscribed upon them, often in a hidden way (e.g. a Fire Ring would reveal the True Name by casting the Ring into fire).

  4. Ring is only usable by an Elementalist.

  5. The Elemental counts as Activated for the purpose of the Activation Cost (in sec & SP) to Activate further Elementals, but this may be circumvented by discarding the Item to Activate another Elemental and then retrieving it again.


Rings: 2
Wands: 15
Staves: 50

Random Activated Elemental Item Generation Tables:

(Item type should previously have been rolled on the Random Treasure Generation Tables.)

Roll: Class:
01 - 08 Earth
09 - 16 Air
17 - 28 Fire
29 - 36 Water
37 - 44 Gravity
45 - 60 Planist
61 - 75 Enchanter
76 - 87 Charmer
88 - 100 Illusionist
>100 Multiple (roll again twice)


Roll: Level:
01 - 05 1
06 - 15 2
16 - 30 3
31 - 50 4
51 - 70 5
71 - 86 6
87 - 94 7
95 - 98 8
99 - 100 9
>100 10


Roll: Plus (may not exceed Level of Elemental - re-roll if does):
01 - 20 0
21 - 50 +1
51 - 70 +2
71 - 80 +3
81 - 85 +4
86 - 90 +5
91 - 94 +6
95 - 97 +7
98 - 99 +8
100 +9
>100 +10


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