Binder Demon Grimoire


Demon of Truth

The Seal of RONOBE

Alignment / Host: N/L

Rank: Prince

Lord No. 225

Sex: m

DL = 34

Appears in a monstrous form.  Never lies, but can mislead.

In Circle:

  1. Will confirm whether any statement made by a Participant is truthful or a lie.  For a statement to be a lie, its speaker must believe it to be untrue on at least a balance of probabilities.  Truthsaying may be ineffective if the speaker simply does not know (e.g. is reading out loud what someone else has written) or does not distinguish between truth and fiction (but not if he/she simply professes such a belief).  If the speaker believes a statement to be untrue, but it is in fact true, it will still be a lie.
  2. Will Truesight any item or Being produced to Him and state its true form, without further explanation.  If RONOBE is Bound by a Pact not to reveal a particular truth or foiled by an effective Misdetect, He will remain silent.  Whether a Misdetect is effective against Him may depend on the strength of the Chance of Success of Summoning Him.
  3. Will teach a Participant how to Truesight (gives a +1 Experience plus, but no experience towards ThL).

In Triangle:

  1. Will confirm whether up to three statements made by a Participant are the absolute truth or false.  Absolute truth is not dependent on the belief of the speaker.  If RONOBE is Bound by a Pact not to reveal a particular truth or foiled by an effective Misdetect, He will remain silent.  RONOBE does not know the matters He is asked about; He just has the Power to identify absolute truth.  He will not therefore converse about such matters, but will simply reply "True" or "False" or remain silent.  Will never reveal or give clues about Demon True Names.
  2. Pact: may be Bound not to reveal a particular truth, or to reveal a particular truth which He has been paid less not to reveal.  Many Higher Powers have made such Pacts to protect Their secrets.
  3. Pact: may penetrate the lies propounded by Pacts with BERITH, if so compelled by greater compulsion than the Pact with BERITH.


Demonic Forms which resemble Their Master.

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