Anarea        1-off D: Breaking the Law        7 to 26 Aval 2000

Scenario 4. (N)

The Wisdom of KOROS


Gaius of Satril, as High Priest of KOROS in Valdrea, will propose this course whenever it seems appropriate.  His Temple have already Communed on the 2nd (Those who took part can therefore Commune again on the 7th.) as follows:

  1. "What is the phenomenon affecting the Sun Diamond?"

KOROS: "A manifestation of pure Law."

  1. "Do You consider such a manifestation of pure Law to be a good thing or a bad thing?"

KOROS: "A bad thing."

  1. "For what reasons do You consider such a manifestation of pure Law to be a bad thing?"

KOROS: (with even greater gravitas than usual) "It is one of the most serious threats possible to the Balance of the World."

  1. "In what way is such a manifestation of pure Law one of the most serious threats possible to the Balance of the World?"

KOROS: "It is the physical result of a severe tipping of the Scales of that particular Balance towards Law: a tipping which appears likely to go all the way if not counteracted.  That would result in the end of the World as We know it."

  1. "How may we counteract such a tipping of those Scales?"

KOROS: "You must discover and neutralise the cause, or causes, of this manifestation.  I regret, however, that I am presently unable to confirm whether such a measure will of itself be sufficient."


May be anywhere, but probably a Temple of KOROS, and most likely the High Temple of KOROS in the Sacred City of Valdran (Consecrated to +25% to B). The High Temple is located on the left bank of the R. Alma, against the outer wall of the Sacred City, where the river flows out into the Old City. The Temple has its own gate into the Old City, but the City Guard are on duty outside all its entrances (apart from the secret escape routes). The main Temple building is octagonal, with a most impressive statue of KOROS against one of its interior walls, and the High Altar in front of the statue. The statue is 50 ft. high, and appears to speak in answer to Communes.

Background Information

Law / Chaos States other than Neutrality will give a 20% chance per level of Law / Chaos, cumulative, of affecting the Commune. Roll first to see if it is completely prevented. If it is prevented, the Communers may try again. If it is not prevented, roll again before each question is answered; to see if there is interference. If there is interference with a question, KOROS' answer will be distorted, with more extreme effects the greater the amount by which the interference roll is failed: the N Player should first decide on KOROS' answer, and the L/C Player (as appropriate) must/may suggest the distortion, the final ruling to be made by the DM.


KOROS (N): N/N God of Life and Death, the Karmic Order and Neutrality; Clerical in the latter Aspect, current usual B = 65% (on normal power, slightly in deficit)

Myrna of Satril (N): High Priestess of KOROS in Valdrea; ClL 11.6, B70%, Cr 690

Tarsus of Jalaskir (N): High Priest of KOROS in Valdran, 5th Champion; ClL 10.9, B65%, Cr 220

Naomi of Jalaskir (N): High Priestess of KOROS in Valdran, wife of Tarsus; ClL 6.0, B75%, Cr 450

Acolytes (N): as required

At other Temples the Clerics available will differ.

Clues / Red Herrings

KOROS must abide by the rules of the Commune.  He/She must therefore limit His/Her replies to what is necessary to answer the question put.  He/She is not obliged to answer truthfully, or at all, but if He/She does lie, then He/She must still keep to potential answers to the question put, irrespective of the facts (This restriction does not apply to Chaotic interference.).  KOROS can only answer from knowledge within the scope of His/Her Aspect as Clerical God of Neutrality, and not from knowledge that is only within the scope of His/Her Karmic Aspects.  Furthermore, KOROS will not reveal information relating to the Creation / Creator (if any) of Anarea, except that the DM may authorise such disclosures if justified by the present emergency.

KOROS' knowledge is too vast to list here, but the following is perhaps the most likely to be relevant to potential Commune questions.

KOROS knows the World to be composed of Law and Chaos in balance, equalling Neutrality.  The image of the Scales is particularly apt; in that it not only refers to the weighing of souls against each other in the Karmic order, but also to the precarious balance between Law and Chaos on which the continued survival of the World depends. For an overpreponderance of either Law or Chaos will tip the balance in its own direction, and a point can be reached where the tipping over will carry on all the way.  Such a point has never been reached before, but KOROS fears that this is what is now happening in Valdran.

KOROS realises that the Aspects of the Lawful and Chaotic Gods, especially SARAN and DALA, compel Them to promote and support tippings of the Scales in Their respective directions, and that the Gods Who are Neutral in the Law / Chaos struggle, especially Him/Herself, must seek to oppose such excesses.  In the current situation He/She hopes at least to have the support of DALA.

KOROS is loath to intervene directly; for not only will that provoke equal, and possibly escalating, intervention from SARAN, but also He/She cannot see how He/She could succeed in doing so.  SARAN will be much stronger at a focus of Law, and KOROS Him/Herself does not have the power to destroy Law.  His/Her belief is that would require the application of Chaos: so that Law and Chaos cancel each other out; forming Neutrality again.

Another major talking point at the Temples of KOROS at the moment is the Joint Conference of the Temples of the Gods of Heaven, which is now taking place in Valdran (see separate Scenario "Heaven on Earth").  The Temple of KOROS is represented by Anastasius (N) High Priest of KOROS in Kuntax.  Eminent representatives are also present from the Temples of BUDIF, ESCUS, FIDAR, MIRIMI, PAREL, SARAN and SHELDA.  The stated aims of their project are the promotion of the Alliance of Good, Law and Neutrality in the fields of religion and politics, so strengthening the alliance between Good, Lawfully and Neutrally Aligned nations, and ensuring a good, ordered and peaceful life for all the free peoples of the World.  The Joint Conference has been established in order to determine how best to achieve these aims, and was invited to meet in Valdran by the Emperor Narsus VI, who granted a special dispensation for the Temple of MIRIMI to attend.

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