Anarea        1-off D: Breaking the Law 3        7 to 26 Aval 2000

PC Information


The following Communes have been arranged by the PCs:


By Gaius of Satril and fellow Clerics, 7 I 2000:

  1. Please advise whether Law is also getting stronger anywhere else in the world than Valdran?

KOROS: It is not.

  1. How is the additional Law in Valdran appearing?

KOROS: It is a concentration of Law that is already in the World.

  1. How was the Opacity in the Sun Diamond created?

KOROS: The World is composed of Law and Chaos in balance, equalling Neutrality.  The image of the Scales is particularly apt as My Symbol; in that it not only refers to the weighing of souls against each other in the Karmic order, but also to the precarious balance between Law and Chaos on which the continued survival of the World depends. For an overpreponderance of either Law or Chaos will tip the balance in its own direction, and a point can be reached where the tipping over will carry on all the way.  Such a point has never been reached before, but I fear that this is what is now happening in Valdran.

  1. What is the true nature of the Sun Diamond?

KOROS: It is a powerful Holy Item in which SARAN has put part of Her Power related to Law.  It has therefore always been a strong Lawful influence at the heart of the Empire.

  1. What might cause a Law Imbalance of the kind that is happening in Valdran?

KOROS: The obvious cause is the extreme Lawfulness of the Empire under the Aven Emperors, especially at its heart.


By Ephraim, High Priest of BUDIF in Magil-Hubor, Delegate to the Joint Conference of the Temples of the Gods of Heaven, 7 I 2000:

  1. How was the Opacity in the Sun Diamond created?

BUDIF: I cannot be sure, but the most likely explanation is by extreme Lawfulness.

  1. How can the Law Imbalance be stopped from expanding?

BUDIF: It is not clear that it can be.  Once the process has started, it has an inevitability that is intrinsic to Law.

  1. How is the additional Law in Valdran being Created?

BUDIF: It is not being Created.  It is a concentration of Law that is already in the World.

  1. Please advise us of people or Beings who might be able and willing to help in stopping the Law imbalance in Valdran?

BUDIF: Many may be willing, but it is unclear that any are able.  However, a Mabula Grand Palaver is being hosted by Jo'Bul, Crocodile King of Mabul'Adib, to debate a response to the upsurge in signs and portents and the eruption of Mt. Ichil.  Unusually, foreign representatives have also been invited.  It is perhaps unlikely that a Grand Palaver will agree on anything, but there may be people there who would be willing to help you.


By the Emperor Decus XXI of Mastrin with 1-2 others, 7 I 2000:

  1. Great Lady, as You know, I have striven to follow Your Creed and to rise to lead the Valdrean Empire since I was a youth.  And I love and adore this Great Empire which You have founded, and am greatly honoured to be its leader at this time.  SARAN, I believe that there is so much more that we, the men and women of Valdrea can achieve as individuals within the Empire to make our lives significant and to create greatness which will honour You.  We are not yet ready to be subsumed in a perfect Lawful unity.  How can I find a way forward which both honours You but maintains the individuality of Your people?

SARAN: You cannot.

  1. What could I or other of Your Paladins or followers do to show You that it would be worth slowing down the rate of increase of the Opacity in the Sun Diamond?

SARAN: Nothing.

  1. What did You tell my predecessor Emperor Narsus V in his final Commune?

SARAN: I do not share the answers given to worshippers in Communes with other worshippers, except to the extent they may ask exactly the same questions.

  1. It seems likely to me that some powerful Magic from Those of other Alignments will be used to strike at the Opacity in the Sun Diamond.  How can I act to strike at our enemies in such a way that if they are successful in dealing with the Opacity, the Valdrean Empire will come out of this stronger rather than weaker?

SARAN: If They should try, They will be unsuccessful.  You should seek to punish Them for Their presumption by death.


By Comus of Carrilon with the Elvish Priests of the Temple Tree of ESCUS in Mírlinnyrn, 7 I 2000:

  1. Please tell us of any imbalances or highly unusual events outside Valdrea that might be significantly connected to the Law imbalance in Valdran?

ESCUS: Chaotic signs and portents have been on the increase outside Valdran since 1 Aval 2000.  For example, ships heading South from Fort Venture to Kuntax and the Southern Cities have reported strange whirlpools, geysers and coloured lights deep beneath the waves close to the shore of Mt. Anar.  Most notably, Mount Ichil has volcanically erupted and lava streams are flowing into the Jungle – which is odd, because Mount Ichil was not known to be a volcano.

  1. Please advise us of people or Beings who might be able and willing to help in stopping the Law imbalance in Valdran?

ESCUS: The Joint Conference of the Temples of the Gods of Heaven are concerned about this matter, and are sending Justin, Archbishop of ESCUS in the North, as Emissary to the Sage, Tandrys the Wise, both on the subject of the Law and for his views as to how the aims of the Conference might best be achieved.

  1. We are seeking information that could help us discover the cause for the Sun Diamond’s sudden change at the start of this year.  Please tell us any information that You can share that might help us determine the cause?

ESCUS: As Goddess of Law, it has always been intrinsic to SARAN's Aspect to seek the Ultimate Goal of the whole World becoming totally Lawful, as is stated in Her Creed.  It is clear that the Valdrean Empire has become more Lawful under the Aven Emperors, but there has been evidence of a Lawful conspiracy at the heart of the Empire going back to the Year 500.


By the High Temple of SHELDA in Valdrea, reported to Gaius of Satril 8 I 2000:

  1. Please tell us of any imbalances or highly unusual events outside Valdrea that might be significantly connected to the Law imbalance in Valdran?

SHELDA: Outside the Valdrean Empire there has been a general increase in Chaotic incidents all over the World.

  1. Please advise us of people or Beings who might be able and willing to help in stopping the Law imbalance in Valdran?

SHELDA: The new Emperor Decus XXI of Mastrin and his allies amongst the other Noble Houses appear to be concerned about the situation and perhaps represent the best hope of stopping it.

  1. We are seeking information that could help us discover the cause for the Sun Diamond’s sudden change at the start of this year.  Please tell us any information that You can share that might help us determine the cause?

SHELDA: This is probably something SARAN has been planning for some time, acting through the agency of Her fanatical Valdrean Noble Paladins.  The fact that it is the start of the Year 2000 is the sort of thing that appeals to Her.


By Salome, High Priestess of FIDAR in Iklaron, Delegate to the Joint Conference of the Temples of the Gods of Heaven, reported to Gaius of Satril 8 I 2000:

  1. Please tell us of any imbalances or highly unusual events outside Valdrea that might be significantly connected to the Law imbalance in Valdran?

FIDAR: Whilst Valdrea is becoming more Lawful, the rest of the World is becoming more Chaotic.  The Law imbalance is concentrated, but the Chaotic imbalance is dispersed.

  1. Please advise us of people or Beings who might be able and willing to help in stopping the Law imbalance in Valdran?

FIDAR: Try Gaius, Champion of Satril and High Priest of KOROS in Valdrea, and/or Dúrin the Reckless, Lord of Gathol-Dválin.

  1. We are seeking information that could help us discover the cause for the Sun Diamond’s sudden change at the start of this year.  Please tell us any information that You can share that might help us determine the cause?

FIDAR: Narsus VI of Aven has been plotting something with his allies for some time.  There has been much praying together in the Temple of the Sun Diamond and much more rigid and inflexible enforcement of the Laws of Valdrea.


By Thorin, High Priest of PAREL to the Mountain Dwarves of Barrakizdin, Delegate to the Joint Conference of the Temples of the Gods of Heaven, reported to Gaius of Satril 8 I 2000:

  1. Please tell us of any imbalances or highly unusual events outside Valdrea that might be significantly connected to the Law imbalance in Valdran?

PAREL: There are strange events occurring all over the World outside Valdran, but the drums beat loudest in the Jungle, where the Totems of the Gods have been singing of Doom.

  1. Please advise us of people or Beings who might be able and willing to help in stopping the Law imbalance in Valdran?

PAREL: Those songs have still to be sung, and may never be so, but I foresee that if they should be, the new Emperor Decus XXI of Mastrin and his comrades are likely to be the heroes.

  1. We are seeking information that could help us discover the cause for the Sun Diamond’s sudden change at the start of this year.  Please tell us any information that You can share that might help us determine the cause?

PAREL: There has been much chanting in the Temple of the Sun Diamond over the years, but it has significantly increased over the past 25 years, building to a crescendo as the Second Millennium drew to a close.

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