Anarea        1-off D: Breaking the Law        7 to 26 Aval 2000

Player Character

Comus of Carrilon

Champion of that House, Lord High Treasurer, High Priest of ESCUS in Valdrea

St 15 Sg 8 In 10      
Dx(Ph) 18 Hr 11 Dx(M) 16      
Hd (R) -1 Tc 15 Mr 11      
Co 14 Sm 12 Wp 10 10 Wp battles  
Sz 11 Ts 9 Ft 15 15 faith in ESCUS
Bd 12.5     Hs 6      
Bt 11 At 12          
FtL 12.22
ThL 4.20 Scout
ClL 9.80 ESCUS

Alignment: G/N

For full Character Specification, see spreadsheet.


Comus is a good man, but a worldly one.  That is not to say he is a sinner, but rather that he sees himself as a realist, who recognises the shortcomings of men, and loves and forgives them anyway, if they are prepared to accept ESCUS’ blessing.

He is a son of the Empire and a member of its privileged Nobility, and he recognises and respects its institutions.  The Church of ESCUS is an integral part of the Valdrean establishment, which supports the worship of those Gods Allied with SARAN.  He is aware that the Empire is a Lawful nation (and much more so recently) to a far greater extent than it is a Good nation, and he knows from his own experience how difficult it is for a Champion who does not worship SARAN to reach the top.

But Comus does not despair.  His is a great nation, and he has ascended as high as he could possibly expect within its system of government, which encourages excellence and allows all to rise to the level of their own ability.  He sees his role as representing in the highest councils of the land the viewpoint of the Good, and particularly of those who worship ESCUS.  For the Empire provides the largest congregation of ESCUS-worshippers in the World, and he is their spiritual leader.

Comus recognises the great responsibility which has thus been entrusted to him, and he seeks always to discharge it fairly and considerately, to the best of his humble ability.

Past History / Background Information (Memories)

Comus’ parents took great care that he should have a good education, and a wide one.  He learned his Fighting skills in the Military Academies of Valdran, justly famed for the excellence and discipline of their training, his Thievish skills from the High Elves of Mirrlinnyrn, who alone truly understand how the powers of HALKI may be harnessed for Good whilst recognising their capacity for Evil, and his Clericism from the mystics of the islands of the Kingdom of the North, who of all peoples are closest to ESCUS.

It was amongst the Elves that he met his wife, fair Elowynn of the Calaquendi.  When he had finished his training she came to him in Valdran.  They were formally married under Valdrean law, and she bore him two fine sons.  They were happy for a while, but Elowynn could never adapt to Valdrean society, nor could society fully accept her, and their marriage gradually turned sour.  Comus refused to return to Minduinath, now that he was ascending the ranks of the Champions of Carrilon, and the day finally came when Elowynn left him for the land of her fathers, taking their two infant sons with her.

He visits them from time to time.  Elowynn remains as youthful and lovely as ever, but there is a gulf between them now which he cannot bridge.  She has not found another man, and has accepted the protection of the Elders of Mirrlinnyrn.  The boys are growing up as Elves.  Hastar is 11 and Gerrin is 9.  Comus has ensured they are aware of their Valdrean heritage, and his most fervent hope is that one day at least one of them will return to claim it.


"Strongblest", Holy Sword of ESCUS in Valdrea 

In addition to those possessions shown on his spreadsheet, Comus occupies the High Priest's Lodge in the precincts of the High Temple of ESCUS in the Sacred City of Valdran.  He has a small family inheritance, which is partly held in a bank in Valdran and partly invested in a number of trading syndicates.

Victory Conditions

Play in character.

You must decide for yourself what objectives your character would set himself in the present crisis, and you must then seek to achieve them, in the same way as he would.

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