Anarea        1-off D: Breaking the Law 3        7 to 26 Aval 2000

PC Information

Proclamation by Decus XXI of Mastrin, 9 Aval 2000

I Decus XXI of Mastrin, Lawful Emperor of Valdrea, with deliberation and with great sadness, but in the light of the danger to the world that the expanding Sun Diamond presents, do formally invite and request LOFIR, Goddess of Destruction to send Her forces to Valdran to Destroy the whole of the Sacred City including the Sun Diamond at the centre of it, at any time from Sunset today 9th Aval.  Provided that She Destroys the Sun Diamond, I formally  revoke the ban on being Evil for worshippers of LOFIR within the Empire, and give a binding commitment that it will no longer be Unlawful to worship Her.



Decus of Mastrin

Witnessed by [2 notaries of the High Temple of FIDAR in Valdrea]

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