Anarea 1-off D: Breaking the Law 3 7 to 26 Aval 2000
DM's Notes
Decus XXI's invitation requests LOFIR's intervention at any time from Sunset of 9 Aval. Although he suggests it be brought forward, LOFIR will not deviate from the formal, written and witnessed invitation. WAGREN is already in position, so He proceeds once it goes dark after sunset of the 9th. Only the Citadel is so far affected by the Law, but WAGREN attempts to Destroy the whole of the Sacred City as agreed.
WAGREN: S37% / Sun Diamond st07%
The Sun Diamond, and therefore the Law are Destroyed, along with the rest of the Sacred City. This does not of course affect the Chaos. SARAN is severely weakened.
Most of the Sacred City is Destroyed by WAGREN, including the Imperial Palace and IDS. Some buildings, especially on the periphery, survive, and a few Nobles make their saving throws. There is a deafening bang as the air rushes back in, followed by a tsunami as the waters of Lake Zarak rush into the crater left by the spherical Destruction. The tsunami crashes over the remaining outer buildings and the wall and into the Old City, causing widespread flooding and many more casualties. Many refugees who had been hurriedly evacuated from the Sacred City were crowded into the Old City. No order had been given to evacuate the Imperial Palace.
With the Destruction of much of the central Government that was concentrated in the Sacred City and Imperial Palace, and the sudden massive tipping of the Balance towards Chaos caused by the Destruction of such a concentration of Law, there is a sudden breakdown of law and order in the Empire. The surviving citizens of Valdran rise up against the Nobles they hold responsible for the disaster, seeing their opportunity for freedom with the Destruction of the Sacred City. Clerics helping survivors, especially Good ones, are tolerated, but some SARAN Clerics are attacked. Units of the City Guard and some of the Army units Marcus had started moving into the City mutiny.
By the morning of the 10th, what is left of Valdran is ruled by the mob. Marcus declares Martial Law across the Empire, withdraws those of his Army units he can to Almari, and sends Titus to Hapral to declare Martial Law there, take control and establish a new Imperial Government in the second city. Marcus Teleports to West Post to take control of his main and most loyal force.
Meanwhile, LOFIR has moved Decus XXI to Torel and proclaimed a new Imperial Government there, with the support of local Evil rebels. She publicises Decus' invitation to Her to Intervene, and takes credit for the Destruction of the Sacred City, mostly via rumourmongers. The Bandits move to attack Marcus in support of Decus' Evil/Lawful-tolerant Empire.
Marcus visits Torel to Challenge Decus for the Lion Throne, but is required to leave his weapons and guards behind to enter the new Imperial Palace, and is forced to withdraw. He issues his challenge, but Decus is now a puppet Emperor who will not be allowed to turn up to lose the Duel, which Marcus will claim he has won by the no-show.
In Avenna, once Narsus becomes aware of the situation, he denounces Decus XXI and his co-conspirators as traitors who are responsible for this heinous attack on SARAN and Her Empire, and proclaims himself acting Emperor of a new Third Empire of SARAN, based in Avenna.
Over the next week a number of other Provinces and towns secede from the Empire rather than join any of these factions. Local governors try to retain control in the face of unrest by declaring independence. Some succeed in maintaining their power - others are toppled and replaced by local rebels.
The pattern of degeneration into multi-faction Civil War with at least three rival Emperors will continue, as the rest of the World begins to break up further into Chaos...
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