Anarea        1-off D: Breaking the Law 3        7 to 26 Aval 2000

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Demon Summoning Responses

AGALIAREPT, Demon King of Neutral Law

Castor suspects the worst about the opacity but would like hard confirmation so the first question for AGALIAREPT is:

"What will happen to people engulfed by the expanding opacity centered on the Sun Diamond of SARAN?"

[If AGALIAREPT gets cute and uses wordplay to evade answering, that is answer enough.]

AGALIAREPT: "They will become one with the Law."

"Will they live or die when they are engulfed?"

AGALIAREPT: "The question is not relevant, as there is only one state of being in the Law."

Castor takes this as meaning they will die.

Castor is only interested in the Law conspiracy in so far as it can stop or hinder attempts to undo the opacity.  He is sure that Decus XXI, Gaius and the others have that well covered.  As for the historical conspiracy alleged by ESCUS, this is besides the point for the emergency at hand.  Even if it were true in part, news of the conspiracy must be suppressed else it risks damaging the Empire whose future Castor is seeking to preserve - however optimistically.

So Castor next goes to the main question.

"How can the expansion of the opacity be halted or reversed?"

AGALIAREPT: "It cannot be."

He is expecting a SARAN-style answer such as "it cannot" but he won't accept this.  While you can't hector or press a God, you can do that to a bound Demon.  So follow-up questions are of the following type (depending of course on the answers received):

"If the Law Imbalance / opacity is irreversible as You state or imply, at what point did it become so?"

AGALIAREPT: "When it began."

"Shortly before this tipping point, what actions by mortals could have reversed the expansion or stopped the appearance of the opacity?"

AGALIAREPT: "I do not answer hypothetical questions about what might have happened in the past but did not.  Such speculation is the province of Chaos, not Law."

"What were the triggering events that caused the opacity to appear?" and possibly, "How and why were [such and such] events significant as triggers." [Castor is thinking of the dates and the role of the House of Aven.]

[AGALIAREPT lists in extenso the many examples of Lawfulness that were focused upon the Sun Diamond, culminating in the chanting by worshippers at the end of 1999.  It was their cumulative effect that was significant.]

"What would be the likely effect of bringing Chaos into the opacity?"

AGALIAREPT: "I do not answer questions about Chaos."

"What would be the effect on the opacity of moving the major power items of Law, including the Seven Swords, far away from Valdran?"

AGALIAREPT: "They would be subsumed into it later."

"How do You feel about being subsumed?"

AGALIAREPT: "I would of course welcome it, as being the ultimate state for a Lawful Being."

"What would slow down the expansion?"


"How can we conquer the Chaos?"

AGALIAREPT: "Support the Law until it triumphs."

"Will it go on forever?"

AGALIAREPT: "Yes, in theory it will go on infinitely."

"We were told there is a finite amount of Law, so how is it that more can be created?"

AGALIAREPT: "'Created' is a meaningless concept in this respect.  The Law is Law."

[On further query, He indicates the explanation of the apparent paradox is that the Law is getting bigger.]

And possibly, "What would be the effect of a major campaign, involving the Seven Swords and a great many of SARAN's devoted Valdrean Paladins and Clerics, against the recent outbreaks of Chaos."  [Castor is thinking that a Holy War against Chaos would have the side effect of weakening the Law Concentration.] – question not asked.

SURGAT, Demon of Prophecy

Regarding SURGAT, the questions pre-agreed with Marcus are of the following type:

"What Prophecies, made at least one year ago, plausibly foretold the appearance of the opacity centered on the Sun Diamond."

[Follow-up questions in the unlikely event of receiving 'good' responses.]

SURGAT: "I do not reveal Prophecies made to others.  You must tell Me the Prophecies you have heard, and I will comment upon them."

"What Prophecies, made at least 5 years ago, concern the members of the House of Aven who were alive at the end of 1999?"

[Marcus like Castor is deeply suspicious of the role of Aven in recent developments.]

SURGAT: "I do not reveal Prophecies made to others.  You must tell Me the Prophecies you have heard, and I will comment upon them."

Finally, a question coming from Decus XXI.  Castor does not believe it will work - you cannot choose your own Prophecy - but Decus is Emperor and these are desperate times.  [DM's note: Castor is correct.  Prophecies are generally relevant to the hearer at some future point, but you cannot choose your own.]

"What is Your price for a Prophecy that predicts actions that may reverse the expansion of the opacity centered on the Sun Diamond."

[Haggle, agree, hear.  Budget is 100K – agreed, payable in platinum]

SURGAT: “He who embraces Chaos will cause the ultimate downfall of his House.”

“Do You welcome being subsumed into the opacity?”

SURGAT: “As a Lawful Demon, yes I do.”

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