Anarea 1-off D: Breaking the Law 7 to 26 Aval 2000
Player Character
Characteristics: | ||||||||
St | 16 | Sg | 13 | In | 14 | |||
Dx(Ph) | 14 | Hr | 13 | Dx(M) | 14 | |||
Hd (R) | -2 | Tc | 7 | Mr | 12 | |||
Co | 14 | Sm | 12 | Wp | 14 | 14.8 | Wp battles | |
Sz | 7 | Ts | 8 | Ft | 14 | 14 | faith in | SARAN |
Bd | 10.5 | Hs | 11 | |||||
Bt | 14 | At | 14 |
Experience: | ||
FtL | 9.10 | |
ClL | 4.80 | of SARAN |
ElL | 4.40 | GV |
Alignment: N/L
For full Character Specification, see spreadsheet.
Marcus is of a mercurial and impulsive temperament, which in his youth got him into much trouble with his superiors. But he has mellowed with age, and now he is more a man who has sudden insights into situations, and tends to act on intuition, rather than careful planning.
This has brought him success in Duels, and he is a brilliant tactician as a general on the battlefield. The strategy he leaves to his staff.
He is quick to anger, but also quick to forgive; not being the sort to bear a grudge.
He has always resented suggestions that he is acting Chaotically, for he is sincere in his worship of SARAN. Indeed, such allegations have tended to have the effect of making him even more determined to act Paladinically.
He felt there was something wrong when SARAN told the Privy Council, of which he is a member, to do nothing to oppose the strange opacity expanding from the Sun Diamond, and when Decus of Mastrin asked him how he felt about it, he replied frankly, admitting he did not know what should be done about it.Marcus is a professional soldier and self-made Noble. He was born a Gentleman of a military family in West Post, and received a good education, including Clerical, and later Elementalist, training. But he chose to make his career in the Border Patrol, and his parents purchased him a good commission.
He soon distinguished himself in the wars against the Bandits, forming a light cavalry unit which fought the enemy with their own tactics (but better discipline).
His break came when he saved the life of his General, then Champion of Tarm, and was rewarded with elevation to the Nobility. He was then able to rise swiftly through the lower echelons of Champions, until he found the level of his experience. From then on his ascent was slow but steady, and he continued to rise in the ranks of the Border Patrol too, as he was now able to Duel for promotion. He is now Champion of Tarm and Lord Marshal, second in military command only to the Emperor himself.
He chooses to wield the Sword of Tarm, although the Sword of the Marshal is a slightly better choice. This is because if he took the latter the former would go by default to Varus, 2nd Champion of Tarm, whereas by his taking the former the latter goes by default to the Lord Admiral of Valdrea, Titus of Jalaskir. Marcus does not like the narcissistic Titus, a rumoured homosexual, but Varus, the Lord Protector of West Post Military Area, is a keen rival for the Championship of Tarm, and is close in ability to Marcus. The Sword is Marcus’ edge.In addition to those possessions shown on his spreadsheet, Marcus has a town house in the Tarm Quarter of the Sacred City of Valdran and several fine horses, which are stabled with the Imperial Army. He is not particularly wealthy, but lives within his means (primarily derived from his cut from booty and sales of commissions).
Play in character.
You must decide for yourself what objectives your character would set himself in the present crisis, and you must then seek to achieve them, in the same way as he would.
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