* Restricted to Valdreans
In the Year 950 the great Alliance of SARAN and ALTIS, formed when the World began, was on its last legs. The Lawfuls and Evils were in two distinct camps - literally, for SARAN had withdrawn Herself from Hell, and was more often in Her new home on the top of the Mountain than in Her High Temple in Hell. LOFIR was in a difficult position between the two. The office of conciliator was not well suited to Her, and she tended to side with Her father.
The estrangement of the Gods was reflected on Earth. After much unrest in the Western Provinces (which had always been under a strong Evil influence due to their proximity to the Bandit Kingdom) over "rationalisation" measures enacted in Valdra (In effect their taxes were being increased to finance the increase of centralized government.), troops were sent in to enforce the collection of the Autumn Levy of 932. There had been a poor harvest, and this was taking the last straw. Several major provinces broke out in open revolt, killing the Soldiers of the Emperor.
A punitive expedition was quickly organised to put down the rebellion, which was spreading like wildfire in the West. The rebels approached the Bandit King for aid, and found his troops were already on the way to assist them! A short and savage, but inconclusive, campaign known as "The Grain War" followed, which was stopped by the winter and by the embarrassed SARAN and ALTIS.
Negotiations failed to break the deadlock, and the Empire mobilised for a spring offensive in 933. But, fired as they were by righteous outrage, the men of the decadent Central and Eastern Empire, with their effete and inexperienced leadership, were no match for the hardy men of the West and the Badlands. The Imperial Army was smashed at the two great battles of Hoseck and the Dafrack.
Following this disaster a compromise was agreed, whereby SARAN handed over the Divine leadership of the Western Provinces to LOFIR, and the Bandit Army withdrew from the Empire. LOFIR appointed the leader of the rebels, Canar, Duke of Arlo, Her Under-Emperor - but both of Them still owed fealty to SARAN and the Emperor respectively. The uneasy peace that followed was short-lived.
The amount of Tribute payable by the Western Provinces became as contentious as the Levies that it had replaced, and Canar disputed all attempts to control him, or his people, from Valdra. There was a Palace Revolution in his Capital, Torel, in Destri 935. Canar was killed, and his brother-in-law Gierus, Marquis of Torel, was recognised by the Emperor as Under-Emperor. LOFIR kept silent.
This was not popular with the people, who supported Ralan, Canar's son and the new Duke of Arlo. The Bandit King invaded in support of Ralan, and the Imperial Army moved in to support Gierus and the Army of the Western Provinces.
The latter were far from happy about fighting with their former enemies against their former allies, and they mutinied. Gierus was killed, and the Emperor withdrew his troops. The memory of Hoseck and the Dafrack was still strong.
The Bandit / Western Armies advanced to secure a defensive line taking in about a third of the Empire, approximately following the 500 ft contour. Ralan was declared Western Emperor, under LOFIR, independent of SARAN. But in practice they fell heavily under the influence of ALTIS and the Bandit King, who did not withdraw his armies this time, claiming they were needed for the defence of the Western Empire.
Thee were repercussions in Valdra: in Tekrim 935 the Emperor Decus IV disappeared, and was succeeded by his brother, Leo II. According to the Palace, Decus had been Destroyed by the Terminati, a fanatical sect of LOFIR assassins, together with all his Magic Items, including the Sword of the Emperors. The Imperial Flame, Sword of the Crown Princes, which was wielded by Leo as heir presumptive, therefore became the new Imperial Magic Weapon. Leo released the Empress Harina from prison (where Decus had confined her in 929 for adultery with Leo, which had resulted in a son, Marcus) and married her on Empire Day 935, legitimising Marcus as heir apparent.
SARAN did not recognise the independence of the Western Empire, which Leo invaded the following Spring, 936, to re-establish Her (and his) control. He prosecuted the war slowly and carefully, mindful of the disaster caused by Decus' swift advances of 935 and of the limitations of his troops, who needed experience in battle. It was an uneasy war too because the forces of Law and Evil were still in nominal Alliance. So the war dragged on, but Leo was advancing.
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