1-off B: Shipwrecked on the Secret Isle
a midsummer's day in the Year 950
The Scene, an uninhabited island...
![The Scene](Secret_Isle_scene.jpg)
Dramatis Personae
- Decus IV, the right Emperor of Valdrea
- Julietta, daughter to Decus
- Mistral, an airy Spirit
- Hoger, a savage and deformed slave
- Leo II, Decus' brother, the usurping Emperor of Valdrea
- Harina, his Empress
- Crown Prince Marcus, son to Leo
- Lascer, Duke of Omec
- Jiclex, Commander of the Imperial Guard
- Taris 'Greyhawk', Lord High Executioner, Imperial Inquisitor and Master of
the Imperial Games - a dishonest old Councillor
- Dyrom, Mer-Prince
- Alrya, Princess of the Sea People
Historo-political Background
Secrets of the Isle
DM's Note
This 1-off was run on a midsummer's day in July 1983 over a picnic in Kew
Gardens. It was inspired by and loosely based upon 'The Tempest'
by William Shakespeare.
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