* Restricted: Scorpion Cultists only

The Scorpion Cults

The Oasis of Olives and Eucalyptus

Scorpion Cults are prevalent in the Underworld and across the Southern Overworld from the Grasslands to the Gakkil-Zelg (and especially in the Free City of Vavistor, centre of the Poison Trade).  They have a fierce rivalry with the Snake Cults, with whom they vie for control of the Poison Trade, as well as with the Spider Cults and with each other.  The Scorpion Cults usually come out on top in these trade wars, as the Snake Cults are Chaotic, more fragmented and tend to get distracted by their pleasure-seeking, whereas the generally more organised E/N Scorpion Cults are better able to work together where it is in their interests to do so, and are more focused on their goals.  The Spider Cults can be dangerous foes, but are more interested in their own Mystical objectives (to do with Webs or something) and tend to see Poison dealing as an income-producing sideline, rather than a Sacred Duty of their Cult as do the Scorpions.

SKARZ, E/N Demigod of Scorpions, is the Patron of Scorpion Cults.  All Scorpions, especially Giant ones, are sacred to Him, and it is said that killing them incurs His extreme displeasure.  HAERIM (in His Aspect as THE RED SCORPION) has a particular interest in Scorpion Cults and provides most of their Clerical power.  HALKI favours their Thieves and Assassins, and XAXIX supports their Beastmaster Druids through His Scorpion Spirits.

Scorpion Beastmasters have a specific Druidic Spell List, with Eucalyptus as the unique medium for their Scorpion Cycle of Spells.  Many of them are Mystical and can enter the Blasted Desert, Dream Kingdom of Scorpions, by Mirage Walking or via their Sacred Circles.

Cultist Binders Summon SCORPIO, Demon of Scorpions, E/N Demon Lord and Servant of SKARZ, Who provides Scorpion Familiars and grants Powers to Giant Scorpions and their riders.

Most Scorpion Cults breed and ride Giant Scorpions, often with special abilities and Powers unique to their particular Cult, but all of them highly Poisonous.

Scorpion Cultists have an affinity with Fire, but an aversion to Water (though they do not count as Water Vulnerable).  Their Elementalists favour Fire Spells, as well as Enchanter Spells.

The following are the main Scorpion Cults of the Underworld and Southern Overworld:

Black Scorpion

Red Scorpions

Bronze Scorpion

Many smaller, localised Scorpion Cults exist, but these are often controlled by or fronts for one of the above major players.  The Grey Scorpions in particular is notorious for operating under other names, even in apparent competition with itself.


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