Sword and Axe

The Anarea Combat System

F. Monsters and Others

Index to this Section

  1. Innate Ft Ability
  2. Monsters
  3. Horses

1. Innate Ft Ability

Only People earn Ft experience.  Most other Beings have innate Ft ability.  They have a FtL determined by reference to their Level (e.g. a Balrog of Demon Level 15 will have FtL = DL, and so has an effective FtL of 15).  When born, they are Level 0.1, and increase in Level as they grow to maturity (rather than by earning experience), reaching their normal Level at adulthood, and remaining at that Level until death.  Their FtL increases in proportion to their Level.

Some Beings, particularly Monsters, have a range of possible Levels for their Species.  Individual specimens will have different Levels within this range, determined by inheritance and diet, with variations in some cases between males and females.  E.g. Trolls have ML in the range 5 to 10.  Some Trolls are born with a potential ML of 5, and will not grow beyond this.  Others have a potential ML of 10.  Weak specimens that have scraped out a living in conditions of hardship may not reach their full potential ML, but if conditions improve (and they get a steady diet of adventurers), they may reach it after all.

The Specifications for particular Beings may provide for variations, but by default innate Ft ability is played as follows:

DAM, HitLoc and ADS vary too much for defaults to be prescribed.  Use DM's discretion where no Specification exists.  P and S will only be applicable for Beings using Weapons and Shields.

2. Monsters

Monsters have FtL = Monster Level ("ML").  Some may also have Thievish, Magic-Using, and other abilities.

Where Monsters have Magical abilities, these are innate abilities of their Species, rather than delegated Powers.

For more details see the individual Monster Specifications for each Species of Monster.

2. Horses

Horses have FtL = Animal Level ("AL").  Variations by Species are as follows:


AL 2 to 3, Co 3d6+AL+2

Attack with hooves (front or rear), with 1AMR @ A = (10 * FtL)-5%, DAM = 2d4

HitLoc Area





01 to 18

01 to 15


Front Legs (*2)

55 to 90

16 to 31



19 to 54

32 to 74




75 to 100

10 to 36

Hind Legs (*2)   101 to 119 37 to 72



120 to 125

01 to 09

Light Horses

AL 2 to 3

Attack with hooves (front or rear), with 1AMR @ A = (10 * FtL)-10%, DAM = 2d4

HitLoc Area





01 to 20

01 to 14


Front Legs (*2)

61 to 100

15 to 35



21 to 60

36 to 84




85 to 112

11 to 40

Hind Legs (*2)   113 to 133 41 to 80



134 to 140

01 to 10

Medium Horses

AL 3 to 4

Attack with hooves (front only), with 1AMR @ A = (10 * FtL)-10%, DAM = 2d6

May be trained as warhorses, which attack with 2AMR using hooves (front or rear) for A = (10 * FtL)%, DAM = 2d6+2 or bite for A = (10 * FtL)-5%, DAM = d8, and can be made to charge into massed enemy formations.

HitLoc Area





01 to 22

01 to 15


Front Legs (*2)

67 to 110

16 to 38



23 to 66

39 to 90




91 to 120

12 to 44

Hind Legs (*2)   121 to 143 45 to 88



144 to 150

01 to 11

Heavy Horses

Al 4 to 5

Attack with hooves (front only), with 1AMR @ A = (10 * FtL)-10%, DAM = 2d8

May be trained as warhorses, which attack with 2AMR using hooves (front or rear) for A = (10 * FtL)%, DAM = 2d8+2 or bite for A = (10 * FtL)-5%, DAM = d10, and can be made to charge into massed enemy formations.

HitLoc Area





01 to 24

01 to 16


Front Legs (*2)

73 to 120

17 to 40



25 to 72

41 to 96




97 to 128

13 to 48

Hind Legs (*2)   129 to 152 49 to 96



153 to 160

01 to 12

Effects of Damage

For all Horses:

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