Anarea > Systems > Ft System > Armoury > Weapon Tables

Sword and Axe

The Anarea Combat System

4th edition, 2021-3

E1. Weapon Tables

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Melee Weapons

Weapon Class Weapon Type Restricted? W/H StN DxN PE DAM vs Max Dis Mithril Reach Reach Cost Enc.
(b = with leather chain plate dice**** bonus Min. Max. (GP) Category wt. pts.
Melee Weapons buckler)
Daggers Dagger 1/H + b 4 4 3 d4 -1 -2 -3 1d4 1 0 0 0.3 I 20
Daggers Stiletto 1/H 2 6 2 d6/2 0 0 0 0.6 I 20
Swords Short Sword 1/H 8 6 2 2d4 -1 -2 1d6 1 0 1 0.7 II 50
Curved Swords Scimitar / Tulwar / Cutlass 1/H 9 9 2 d8 -1 -3 1d6 1 0 1 0.9 II 50
Swords Broad Sword 1/H 12 7 0 d6+d4 -1 2d6 1 0 2 1 III 75
Swords Bastard Sword 2/H 14 8 -1 2d8 1 3d6 2 0 2 1.5 IV 100
Swords Great Sword 2/H 18 9 -1 3d8 1 2 2 4d6 2 0 3 2 V 150
Swords Super Heavy Sword Big Guys 3/H 22 11 -2 4d8 2 3 3 5d6 2 0 4 4 VI 200
Swords Sword of the Fire / Frost Giants * Giants 4/H 26 13 -3 5d8 3 4 4 6d6 3 0 6 8 VII 300
Axes Hand Axe 1/H + b 6 4 2 d4+1 -1 -2 1d4 1 0 0 0.3 II 50
Axes Taper Axe 1/H 10 5 1 2d4+1 -1 2d4 1 0 1 0.5 III 75
Axes Broad Axe 2/H 12 6 -1 2d6+1 1 1 3d4 2 1 2 0.7 IV 100
Axes Great Axe 2/H 17 7 -2 2d8+2 1 2 2 4d4 2 1 3 1 V 150
Axes Super Heavy Axe Big Guys 3/H 21 8 -3 2d10+2 1 3 3 5d4 2 2 4 2 VI 200
Hammers Light Hammer 1/H + b 7 3 2 d6 -1 -2 0 0 0 0.4 II 50
Hammers Heavy Hammer 1/H 11 5 0 2d4 -1 0 0 1 0.6 III 75
Hammers War Hammer 2/H 15 7 -2 2d6 1 0 1 3 0.8 V 150
Hammers Super Heavy Hammer Big Guys 3/H 20 10 -4 3d6 1 2 0 2 4 1.2 VI 200
Maces Light Mace / Club 1/H + b 7 3 2 d6 -1 -2 0 0 0 0.4 II 50
Maces Light Spiked Mace 1/H + b 8 3 2 d6+1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0.6 II 50
Maces Heavy Mace / Club 1/H 11 5 0 2d4 -1 0 0 1 0.6 III 75
Maces Heavy Spiked Mace 1/H 12 5 0 2d4+2 -1 0 0 1 0.8 III 75
Maces Big F***g Club Big Guys 3/H 18 8 -3 2d8 1 2 0 0 4 1.2 VI 200
Maces Super Heavy Spiked Mace Big Guys 3/H 22 10 3d4+3 1 3 0 1 4 1.6 VI 200
Maces Ultra Heavy Club Giants 4/H 26 10 3d10 2 4 0 2 6 2.4 VII 300
Picks Military Pick 1/H 10 6 -1 d6 1 0 0 1 0.5 III 75
Picks Pick That Up Big Guys 3/H 20 9 -3 d12 3 d8 0 1 3 1 VI 200
Whips Whip 1/H 8 12 -1 2d4 -1 -2 -4 0 1 5 0.5 IV 100
Whips Barbed Whip 1/H 9 12 -1 2d4+2 -1 -2 -4 0 1 4 1 IV 100
Whips Elephant Whip Big Guys 3/H 18 15 3d4 -1 -3 0 1 6 1.5 V 150
Whips Super Heavy Barbed Whip Big Guys 3/H 20 15 3d4+3 -1 -2 0 1 6 2.5 VI 200
Flails Nunchucks Ass, Kayani always 2/H 7 8 1** d6 -1 -3 0 0 2 2 II 50
Flails Flail 1/H 10 11 -3 d6+1 -1 -2 0 0 3 0.8 IV 100
Flails Morningstar 1/H 13 10 -4 d8 -1 0 1 3 0.6 IV 100
Flails Spiked Morningstar 1/H 14 10 -4 d8+2 -1 0 1 3 0.8 IV 100
Flails Bl**dy Great Morningstar Big Guys 3/H 20 12 -6 2d8+4 1 0 1 4 1.6 VI 200
Staves Quarterstaff 2/H 6 12 4 2d4 -1 -3 -5 0 0 2 0.1 II 50
Spears Assegai Black Men 1/H 7 8 1 d6 -1 -3 1 0 2 0.2 III 75
Spears Short Spear / Javelin 1/H 8 9 0 d6 -1 -2 1 0 2 0.2 III 75
Spears Spear set 1/H 10 6 0 d6+d8 1 1 3 0.3 IV 100
Spears Spear thrust 1/H 12 9 -1 2d4 -1 1 1 3 0.3 IV 100
Spears Spear charge 1/H 13 9 -2 3d6 1 1 3 0.3 IV 100
Spears Trident Fishermen, Fish Cultists, Camari, Sahuagin 1/H 13 10  -1*** 3d4 -1 -3 1 1 3 0.6 III 75
Spears Super Heavy Trident Underwater Big Guys 3/H 19 11  -1*** 3d8 -1 -2 2 1 5 1.2 V 150
Spears Trident of the Cloud / Storm Giants * Giants 4/H 26 12  -2*** 3d12 -1 3 2 6 2.4 VII 300
Spears Lance / Pike set 2/H 16 6 -1 2d8+1 2 2 4 0.4 V 150
Spears Lance / Pike thrust 2/H 18 9 -2 2d6 -1 2 2 4 0.4 V 150
Spears Lance / Pike charge 2/H 18 9 -4 3d8 2 2 4 0.4 V 150
Spears Sharpened Tree Trunk thrust / whacked Big Guys 3/H 20 9 -4 3d6 1 0 2 5 0 VI 200
Spears Sharpened Tree Trunk charge Big Guys 3/H 20 9 -8 4d8 0 2 5 0 VI 200
Polearms Halberd 2/H 10 6 -1 3d4 2 2d8 2 1 4 0.7 V 150
Polearms Polearm 2/H 12 4 -3 d12 1 3d8 2 2 5 0.7 V 150
Polearms Dirty Great Polearm Big Guys 3/H 20 6 -4 2d12 1 2 4d8 2 3 6 1.4 VI 200
Hand to Hand Hand (Punch) 1/H 4 n/a n/a d4/2 (FRU) -1 -3 -6 0 0 0 0
Hand to Hand Foot (Kick) 1 footed 6 7 n/a d6/2 (FRU) -1 -3 -6 0 0 0 0

* When Wielded by a Frost, Fire, Cloud or Storm Giant, the DAM done by the Weapon counts as Cold, Fire or Lightning Damage (as applicable).

** A successful Parry with Nunchucks gives a chance of disarming the opponent of ((%age by which beat result needed to Parry)/2) + (2 * (St of Parryer) - (st of Attacker)) FRD.

*** A successful Parry with a Trident against a Stave, Spear or Polearm gives a chance of disarming the opponent of ((%age by which beat result needed to Parry)/5) + (2 * (St of Parryer) - (st of Attacker)) FRD.

**** Each die of Dis which a Disembowelling Weapon is constructed to do adds 1 to its StN.

Ranged Weapons

Ranged Weapons Restricted? Eff.Range StN DxN IA DAM vs Cost Enc.
(feet)* leather chain plate (GP) Category wt. pts.**
Bows Short Bow 240 9 12 0 d6 -2 -4 3 II 50
Bows Horse Bow 270 10 12 1 d6 -2 -4 4 II 50
Longbows Longbow 450 12 12 2 d8+1 -1 -2 5 III 75
Longbows Elven Bow Elves (SM+2) 600 14 12 4 d8+1 -1 -2 15 III 75
Bows Composite Bow 600 13 12 3 d8 -1 -2 10 III 75
Crossbows Light Crossbow† 300 10 10 5 2d4 -1 3 II 50
Crossbows Heavy Crossbow† 450 15 10 5 2d6 -1 6 III 75
Crossbows Super Heavy Crossbow Big Guys†† 600 15/20 10 2 2d8     1   20 VI 200
Crossbows Harpoon Crossbow Fishermen, Fish Cultists, Camari, Sahuagin 150 (underwater) / 300 (in air) 21 10 4 2d6+1 -1 -2 20% chance of Lodging per HP of DAM caused 20 V 150
Slings Sling 180 6 13 0 d4 -1 -2 -4 0.2 I 20
Slings Staff Sling 240 9 13 -2 d4 -1 -2 -4 0.4 II 50

* Effective Range for Ranged or Thrown Weapons is the maximum range at which they may attack with any systems effect.  The Effective Range is divided into three equal brackets, as follows:

** The weight of Bows includes a quiver or case and 20 arrows or quarrels.

† 1/H Pull to reload a Crossbow requires St >= (StN+3) but does not affect A

†† May be used by non-Big Guys if mounted on a ship, vehicle, animal or building (use StN 15).

Thrown Weapons

Thrown Weapons Restricted? Eff.Range StN DxN IA DAM vs Mithril Cost Enc.
(feet) leather chain plate bonus (GP) Category wt. pts.
Knives Throwing Knife 30 6 11 4 d4+1 -1 -2 -3 1 0.7 I 20
Discs Throwing Star Ass 30 2 16 2 d6/2 (FRU) +1 -1 -2 -3 1 1 1
Axes Hand Axe thrown 60 9 10 0 d4+1 -1 -2 1 0.3 II 50
Axes Taper Axe thrown 50 13 11 -1 2d4+1 -1 1 0.3 II 50
Axes Broad Axe thrown 40 14 12 -1 2d6+1 1 1 2 0.5 III 75
Axes Great Axe thrown 30 18 13 -2 2d8+2 1 2 1 2 0.7 IV 100
Axes Super Heavy Axe thrown Big Guys 20 22 14 -3 2d10+2 1 3 2 2 1 V 150
Hammers Light Hammer thrown 60 10 11 1 d6 -1 -2 0 0.4 II 50
Hammers Heavy Hammer thrown 50 14 11 0 2d4 -1 0 0.6 III 75
Hammers War Hammer thrown 40 17 11 2d6 1 0 0.8 V 150
Hammers Super Heavy Hammer thrown Big Guys 30 20 12 -1 3d6 1 2 0 1.2 VI 200
Spears Assegai thrown Black Men 90 9 11 2 d6 -1 -3 0 0.2 III 75
Spears Javelin thrown 90 10 11 3 d6 -1 -2 1 0.2 III 75
Spears Spear thrown 90 12 11 2 d8 -1 1 0.3 IV 100
Spears Sharpened Tree Trunk / Caber thrown Big Guys 270 20 12 1 3d8 1 1 0 VI 200
Spears Harpoon thrown Fishermen, Fish Cultists, Camari, Sahuagin 45 (underwater) / 90 (in air) 12 12 1 d6+1 -1 -2 0 1 III 75
Objects Misc. Objects thrown 60 n 10 1-(n/2) -1 -2 -3 1 n
Objects Big F***g Rock thrown 250 20 5 dn -1 -2 0 0 100n

Blown Weapons

Blown Weapons Restricted? Eff.Range StN DxN IA DAM vs
(feet) leather chain plate
Blowpipes Blowpipe Jungle, Snake, Spider 45 10 12 4 d4 -1 -2 -4 1 I 20

Capturing Weapons

Capturing Weapons Restricted? Eff.Range StN DxN IA DAM Cost Enc.
(feet) (GP) Category wt. pts.
Nets Net Trappers, Fishermen, Fish Cultists, Camari, Sahuagin 9 5 12 -2 n/a 0.5
Lassoos Lassoo Trappers, Grass 30 7 15 -1 n/a 0.8
Bolas Bolas Grass 90 12 14 1 3(d4-2) if +ve -1 1 III 75