Potion: Healing


Blood  (1/4 pint)

Guideline Purchasing Price: 1SP/pint


Clerical Cure Wounds with a Throw giving a minimum of 4HP Healed

Guideline Purchasing Price: 4GP donation to Temple


Healing Cures d6+1 HP of Damage (note that, despite the name, it is a "Cure" not a "Heal" effect - as to which see the Healing section of the Fighter system).  It immediately restores the HP, but not Crippling, Incapacitation or Severance effects.  Where Damage has been taken to several HitLoc Areas and/or General Damage, the HP Cured are applied pro rata, favouring the greater totals.  The Potion may be applied externally to a particular HitLoc Area, in which case that Area and any General Damage are Healed first, favouring that Area.