Clerical Spell Specification

[7] Awe / [6] Song of Awe

BTS = 62% (20-Ft)

ULT = 10 hrs

Materials: Consecrated Symbol of God

Actions: Awe: Present Symbol to those within intended Radius / Song of Awe: sing

Number Affected: T/35 (FRU) select randomly if more within Radius

St mod.: BTS +1.5n% (FRD) -n2%

Range: 20d feet -5d(d-1)/2%

Radius: 5r feet -5r(r-1)/2%

Duration: 5t min -5t(t-1)/2%


  1. Affects Beings within Radius capable of feeling Awe for the Cleric's God.  This will normally be People or higher on the Scale of Life.  Undead with souls may be Awed (i.e. not Skeletons or Zombies - see General Note 4. on the Undead).  However, Gods opposed to Undead do not approve of Undead being Awed with Their Power.

  2. Each Being capable of being affected within Radius makes a st. Those who fail their st are awestruck with the wonder of the Cleric's God. They will cease their previous actions to contemplate this. They will be susceptible to the orders of the God's Clerics, but their actions will be more influenced by the Creed of the God (e.g. if Awed by ZAKEL they will fight, if Awed by PAREL they will sing). They will reveal little useful information, being keener to discuss the Creed of the God.

  3. Any attack upon the awestruck by the God's Clerics or anyone associated with them will break the Spell. If the attack is by third parties, the God's Clerics must successfully defend the awestruck, or the Spell will be broken.

  4. Song of Awe (PAREL) is identical to Awe but requires a song to be sung by Caster(s) throughout Prayer, Incantation and Duration.  The effect ends if the Caster(s) stop(s) singing, or go(es) out of earshot of Target, or Duration ends (whichever first occurs).