Clerical Spell Specification

[4] Bless / [4] Song of Blessing

BTS = 28% (At)

ULT = 4 hrs

Materials: none

Actions: Bless: pray, then lay hands on those to be Blessed, or extend palms towards them / Song of Blessing: sing

Effect of Throw: Number of Beings Affected = T/60 (FRU)

Blessing: +B% -B2%

Range: d feet -5d(d+1)/2%    if specified, cast on another Target Being / object

Radius: 2r feet -5r(r+1)/2%    if not specified, Caster(s) only eligible to be Beings Affected

Duration: t min -5(t-1)%


  1. Increases A of Beings Affected by B% (for both attacks and parries).

  2. Blessing Effect is not cumulative with any other temporary Magical effects increasing A, including other Bless Spells.

  3. Radius moves with Target Being / object on which cast.

  4. Select Beings Affected from potential Combatants randomly if more than Number Affected within Radius. Combatants entering / leaving Radius can then cause reselection, but not so as to lose Blessing for someone still within Radius.

  5. If no Radius specified, and multiple Affected Casters move more than 2 ft from each other, randomly select which group continues to benefit from Effect.

  6. Song of Blessing (PAREL) is identical to Bless but requires a song to be sung by Caster(s) throughout Prayer and Incantation (but not for Duration, though some PAREL Clerics will continue singing regardless).