Clerical Spell Specification

[2] Cause Grippe / Hiccups / Sores

BTS: 52% (Co)

ULT: 5 hours

Materials: a handkerchief or piece of cloth (a shirt sleeve will do)

Actions: raise Materials to nose / mouth

Effect of Throw

Number Affected: T/100 (FRU) select Targets randomly if more within Radius

Range: 30d feet -5d(d-1)/2%

Radius: 2r feet -5r(r-1)/2%


  1. Affects / Targets People only.
  2. Infects Target who fails st with a streaming cold / causes him to suffer from a severe bout of hiccups.
  3. For each infected Target (with either grippe or hiccups) the DM secretly rolls an extra d6 for Initiative each MR.  In the second indicated by that d6, the Target's plot will be overridden by his violently sneezing / hiccuping, which breaks a Spell Cast or concentration, gives A -15%, P -15%, S/B/T -2 and DL3 on Move Silently or MtoM Attacks.
  4. Grippe is an indefinite effect (until heal naturally / by Cure Disease), counting as a Level 1 Disease.  It may abate in severity for subsequent encounters.
  5. Cause Hiccups is the DALA variant of the Spell.  Hiccups last for the duration of the tactical encounter (but may be cured by Dispel Magic / Chaos effects).
  6. Cause Grippe / Sores is the TERRIK variant of the Spell.  Each Target must make separate sts vs Grippe and vs Sores.  Sores have no system effect, but itch like mad, look disgusting, and count as a Level 1 Disease by themselves.  Grippe and Sores is a Level 2 Disease.