Clerical Spell Specification
[5] Communicate / Song of Understanding / Speak with People / Speak with Animals / Speak with
Monsters / Speak with Wolves
BTS: 30% (Hr)
ULT: 6 hours
Materials: a tongue (Good and Neutral Gods allow
the Caster's own to be used, Chaotic Gods generally prefer someone else's,
Evil Gods require the tongue to be severed)
Actions: touch fingertip to Materials /
Song of Understanding: sing
Effect of Throw: (T-LP)% fluency (see Note
7 below), where LP is the total Language Points required for Know and
Fluency in each new Language spoken (less the LPs the Target has already
learnt in that Language)
Range: 3d ft -5(4+d(d+1)/2)% If cast on self, there is no Range
minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will
be a Range minus of at least -20%.
Duration: t hrs -5t(t-1)/2%, or upon T reaching 0,
due to the above -LP Effect on Throw
- Communicate allows the Target to speak the Languages of any
Beings. Speak with People / Animals / Monsters / Wolves allow the Target to
speak the Languages of Beings only of the types respectively specified.
- The Target is not able to communicate any more fluently than another
Being of the same type could by sounds only (not by scent, wagging
tails, etc.). Animals in particular have limited verbal
- The Spell may be cast on one Target only.
- A Target who is dumb or deaf does not overcome such limitations by use
of this Spell.
- The Target becomes instantaneously able to speak and understand being
spoken (subject to the Effect of Throw) up to n Languages for the
Duration, upon hearing just one word in each. He may choose to
speak a Language heard to achieve the effect (and may ignore words
spoken in other Languages).
- The Spell Effect is limited to oral communication. The Target
does not gain the ability to read or write the Languages.
- The %age fluency from the Effect of Throw effectively
gives that %age of the total Language Points required for Know and
Fluency in the Language. See the Languages
system for the resulting level of oral translation.
- Being able to speak Old Speech as an effect of this Spell does not
give any bonuses to Magic Using.
- There is no Radius within which communication is effective, other than normal limitations on
- Song of Understanding (PAREL) is identical to Communicate but
requires a song to be sung by Caster(s) throughout Prayer and Incantation
(but not for Duration, though some PAREL Clerics will continue singing