BTS: 56% (At)
ULT: 4 hours
Materials: a weapon
Actions: point weapon at Target(s), and turn it to the ground
Number Affected: T/60 (FRU) potential combatants
select Targets randomly if more potential combatants within Radius
Curse: -C% -C2%
Range: 5d feet -5d(d+1)/2%
Radius: 5r feet -5r(r+1)/2%
Duration: t min -5(t-1)%
Radius only applies for selecting Targets. The Curse continues to apply for the Duration to any Target who fails his st, even if he leaves the Radius.
Curse decreases A by C% (for both attacks and parries)
Its effect is not cumulative with any other temporary Magical effects decreasing A, including other Curse Spells. It is cumulative with Bless Spells.