BTS: 60% (Co)
ULT: 7 hours
Materials: a dagger
Actions: draw own blood and drip it on / sprinkle it at Target
Effect of Throw:
T | Maximum Drain |
01 to 16% |
1HP |
17 to 33% |
2HP |
34 to 50% |
3HP |
51 to 66% |
4HP |
67 to 83% |
5HP |
84 to 100% |
6HP |
101 to 125% |
7HP |
126 to 150% |
8HP |
151 to 175% |
9HP |
176 to 200% |
10HP |
201 to 250% |
11HP |
251 to 300% |
12HP |
301 to 350% |
13HP |
351 to 400% |
14HP |
401 to 450% |
15HP |
451 to 500% |
16HP |
Range: 10d ft -5d(d-1)/2 %
St mod.: BTS +n% -n2%
Only cures Damage to Caster and stops any resultant Bleeding. Does not cure any other effects of Damage (e.g. crippling or severance of limbs, unconsciousness, death).
Transfers the wounds taken by the Caster to the same HitLoc Areas on Target. Where Damage has been taken by Caster to several HitLoc Areas and/or General Damage, the HP cured / transferred are applied pro rata, favouring the greater totals. The Spell may not be Cast targeting a particular HitLoc Area.
ADS of Target is ineffective, except for Magical Prots. adding to ADS; e.g. Body Armour Spell is effective, but +n magical armour is not. If Damage caused to Target is reduced by a Magical Prot., Damage cured to Caster is reduced by the same amount.