Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Enchanter

3. Body Armour

BTS: 35% (Co)

ULT: 60 hours

Materials: a living body to Target

Actions: touch Target body (or point to it if cast at Range > 0)

Effect of Throw:

0 to 9 Insanity

10 to 12 ADS -3d4 to -d4 (may increase Damage beyond that rolled by Attacker)

13 to 16 No Effect

18 to 26 ADS +((T/3)-5) FRD

³ 27 ADS +((T-3)/6) FRD

Duration: t min - 2(t-1)

Range: d ft -(4+d) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.


  1. Must be Cast on a single Target living body.
  2. Gives Target bonuses to Armour Damage Subtraction ("ADS") for Duration.  It does not give +s to Saving Level.
  3. ADS bonuses are effective irrespective of whether Target is dodging, and are in addition to ADS from Armour.
  4. Multiple Body Armour bonuses to ADS from Spells or Effects (e.g. Body Armour Potions) are not cumulative.  Only the highest applies.