Clerical Spell Specification

[6] Dying Curse

Word Spell

BTS: [determined by T] (Wp)

ULT: 2 hours

Materials: none

Actions: Caster must die

Effect of Throw:    BTS = T%

Nature of Curse:    -n% (at God's / DM's discretion)


  1. Allows Caster to speak a dying Curse upon his killer(s).  Note that as Actions are "Caster must die", the Spell will fail if Caster does not in fact die.
  2. Targets all those who have directly caused Caster's death, and upon whom Curse is spoken.  No Range applies.  HAERIM will allow it to target an enemy who the Caster suspects / believes (however irrationally) was responsible for his death (and HAERIM Clerics will lose serious Karma if they do not Cast a Dying Curse).  SOROK will allow a Caster who commits suicide in order to become Undead to target an enemy whom Caster will subsequently haunt.  ZAKEL (or SARAN in a Valdrean formal Duel) will not allow an enemy who has defeated Caster in fair combat to be targeted.
  3. Typically allowed to be cast as a Reflex Spell by way of Final Appeal.
  4. Caster must specify nature of Curse, and a minus is applied as a Variable Parameter, depending on how vicious / complex the Curse is.
  5. The Curse is permanent, until it has taken full effect, but may be removed by Remove Curse.