Clerical Spell Specification

[6] Remove Curse

BTS: 60% (Wp)

ULT: 5 hours

Materials: a Sanctified Symbol of God

Actions: present Symbol to Target(s)

Effect of Throw:

Chance of Success (per Curse) = (T of Remove Curse) / (T of Curse) * 50 % (see Note 2 to calculate T)

Range: d ft    -5d(d-1)/2 %    (lay on hands to Remove Curse for Range 0)


  1. Cast on a single Target Being or Object to remove "Curse" Magical Effects (e.g. of the Dying Curse Spell) upon them or it.  If the Target is a Being or an object in the aura of a Being, that Being must make a st.  If the st succeeds, the Spell has no effect.
  2. The Throw of Elementalist and Druidic Spels is multiplied by 5 to give their equivalent Throw for Clerical purposes.  Effects and Potions that have resulted from a Spell Cast have the Throw of that Spell Cast.  Cursed Magic Items have T = 100 per Curse or negative point (e.g. a Magic Sword Cursed with A-2 (-10%) has T200).
  3. The Removal of a Curse is a permanent Dispelling.