Clerical Spell Specification

[10] Heal / The Song that Heals

BTS: 34% (Co)

ULT: 5 hours

Materials: water

Actions: Heal: clean wounds with Materials or sprinkle Materials at Target / The Song that Heals: clean wounds with Materials or sprinkle Materials at Target whilst singing

Effect of Throw:

01 to 100% Cure T/10 HP (FRU)
101 to 500% Cure 5 + (T/20) HP (FRU)

Range: 10d ft    -5d(d-1)/2 %


  1. Cast on a single Target living Being.
  2. Cures Damage and all its effects, other than Death, Decapitation or Severance.  Therefore cures Crippling, Bleeding, Incapacitation and Unconsciousness from Damage.  General Damage caused by Bleeding must be cured by T like any other Damage.
  3. When the amount of Damage cured by Heal reduces the Damage in a HitLoc Area below the %age on the Specific Damage table at which a particular Effect of Damage was suffered by Target, that Effect is Healed.
  4. Where Damage has been taken to several HitLoc Areas and/or General Damage, the HP Cured are applied pro rata, favouring the greater totals.  The Spell may be Cast targeting a particular HitLoc Area, in which case that Area and any General Damage are Healed first, favouring that Area.
  5. The Song that Heals (PAREL) is identical to Heal but requires a song to be sung by Caster(s) throughout Prayer and Incantation.