Clerical Spell Specification
[10] Heal /
The Song that Heals
BTS: 34% (Co)
ULT: 5 hours
Materials: water
Actions: Heal: clean wounds with Materials or sprinkle
Materials at Target / The Song that Heals: clean wounds with Materials or sprinkle
Materials at Target whilst singing
Effect of Throw:
01 to 100% Cure T/10 HP (FRU)
101 to 500% Cure 5 + (T/20) HP (FRU)
Range: 10d ft -5d(d-1)/2 %
- Cast on a single Target living Being.
- Cures Damage and all its effects, other than Death, Decapitation or
Severance. Therefore cures Crippling, Bleeding, Incapacitation and
Unconsciousness from Damage. General Damage caused by Bleeding must
be cured by T like any other Damage.
- When the amount of Damage cured by Heal reduces the Damage in a HitLoc
Area below the %age on the
Specific Damage table at which a particular Effect of Damage was
suffered by Target, that Effect is Healed.
- Where Damage has been taken to several HitLoc Areas and/or General
Damage, the HP Cured are applied pro rata, favouring the greater totals.
The Spell may be Cast targeting a particular HitLoc Area, in which case
that Area and any General Damage are Healed first, favouring that Area.
- The Song that Heals (PAREL) is identical to Heal but requires a
song to be sung by Caster(s) throughout Prayer and Incantation.