Clerical Spell Specification

[3] Infravision

BTS = 30% (Sg)

ULT = 6 hrs

Materials: a piece of mushroom (or other vegetable or organism believed to thrive in the dark)

Actions: touch mushroom to Caster's eyes

Effect of Throw Light Intensity -1

(shadow / indoors)

Light Intensity -2

(deep shadow / underground)

Light Intensity -3

(deepest shadow / depths of the earth)

0 to 20% Can make out some details Can distinguish shapes / outlines Can distinguish movement
21 to 40% Full vision Can make out some details Can distinguish shapes / outlines
41 to 60% Full vision Full vision Can make out some details
³ 61% Full vision Full vision Full vision

Duration: t hr -10(t-1)%

Range: 3d ft -5(4+d(d+1)/2)% If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -20%.


  1. The Spell may be cast on one Target only.
  2. Infravision enables vision (to the extent given by throw) in darkness, subject to normal limits on visibility (but with no restriction on visibility range due to the Spell effect).  It requires no light to be effective.
  3. Clerical Infravision always applies for 3 LIs below Min NVR / Th NS range, and the above Effects Table should be read accordingly (see the Light and Darkness section in the Thief System).