Clerical Spell Specification
[7] Locate Person / [Alignment]
BTS: 62+(ST Mod)% (Wp)
ULT: 8 hours
Materials: a Sanctified Symbol of God
Actions: hold Materials with one hand and extend
the other arm, point finger and move in a scanning motion
Effect of Throw: Radius
(T/5) miles, FRU
Duration: t hrs -5(t-1)
ST Mod: BTS +m% -3m
- Gives direction (but not distance) to a specified living Person
("Target") known to Caster, who must
have previously been in his/her presence, sensed and remembered by him/her
(make Mr check if any doubt). Target does not need to have Ft in
the God.
- If a st < 100% is required to make the save, the Target is aware of
having to make the save, but not the nature of the Spell. If a st ³100% is required to make the save, the DM makes it
secretly without alerting the Target.
- The Target is not aware whether he has been located
(though he knows what he rolled for a st made by him).
- If Target is not within Radius, or makes the st, there is no effect.
- If the Caster locates the Target, light concentration is
required to maintain the direction, which may move if Target does.
The Caster may drop concentration and resume it again within Duration.
- Radius moves with the Caster (see note 9. below for Joint
Requests). If Target becomes outside Radius, Caster will lose the
direction, but may pick it up again if Target comes back into Radius
within Duration and Caster is lightly concentrating on the Locate Person
- If Target becomes Mind Barred, the direction is lost for the rest of
Duration, irrespective of whether the Mind Bar subsequently goes down.
- Locate [Alignment] locates a specified living Being (not just a
Person) known to Caster as above, who must be of the relevant Alignment.
- For Joint Requests it is only necessary that one of the Clerics
participating in the Casting knows the Target, but only those who do
know the Target will get the direction effect. Radius is
calculated from the highest-level Cleric of those that know the
Target. Clerics who leave the Radius do not get the direction
effect whilst outside it.