Clerical Spell Specification

1. Locate Undead

BTS: none

ULT: 5 hours

Materials: a Sanctified Symbol of God

Actions: hold Symbol aloft

Effect of Throw:

Chance of Success = T - 2UL %

Range: 30d ft -5d(d-1)/2%

Radius: 10r ft -5r(r-1)/2%

Duration: 5t min -5t(t-1)/2%


  1. Heavy concentration is required to scan for Undead. It takes 10 sec to scan for Undead within the Radius, irrespective of its size (ratio Chance of Success if less time taken, e.g. if Undead enter or leave Radius during scan).
  2. Roll Chance of Success separately for each Undead within Radius.
  3. If the Caster locates an Undead, light concentration is required to maintain the location (except when using heavy concentration to scan for further Undead, which does not lose previous locations). He is aware of its exact location relative to him, and can target it with appropriate Spells, Ranged Weapons, etc., depending on their respective limitations. For example, Locate Undead can be cast through walls, but Magic Missile cannot.
  4. The Undead are not aware whether they have been located.
  5. The Caster can move the Radius about using light concentration, provided that its centre does not exceed the Range (which is calculated from the Caster's current location from time to time). If a located Undead leaves the Radius, it is no longer located.