BTS = 20% (Sg)
ULT = 6 hrs
Materials: a piece of carrot (or other vegetable or organism believed to help see in the dark)
Actions: touch carrot to Caster's eyes
Effect of Throw | Light Intensity 2
(Full Moon, torchlight, firelight) |
Light Intensity 1
(New Moon, small flame) |
Light Intensity 0
(Starlight) |
0 to 20% | Can make out some details | Can distinguish shapes / outlines | Can distinguish movement |
21 to 40% | Full vision | Can make out some details | Can distinguish shapes / outlines |
41 to 60% | Full vision | Full vision | Can make out some details |
³ 61% | Full vision | Full vision | Full vision |
Duration: t hr -10(t-1)%
Range: 3d ft -5(4+d(d+1)/2)% If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -20%.