Clerical Spell Specification

[6] Poison / Blade Venom

BTS: 60% (Co)

ULT: 6 hours

Materials: a sting from a poisonous animal or an envenomed weapon

Actions: present Materials to Target

Effect of Throw: Causes T/25 FRU Poison Levels ("PL")

Range: 20d ft    -5d(d-1)/2 %

Duration: 5t min -5t(t-1)/2%


  1. For the Poison System see Section 7. of the General Systems.
  2. Cast on a single Target only, which may be a Being or an object (e.g. a Poison, Blade Venom or envenomed weapon).  The Target object may be specified as just the blade of a weapon.
  3. A Target Being must make a st vs the Poison Spell.  If he makes it, the Spell has no effect.  If he fails it, he takes the PL caused by T, and must make a Co check vs unconsciousness or death as applicable.
  4. A Target object functions as if coated with Blade Venom for the Duration.  Once it causes >0 DAM (after ADS) to a Target, all the Poison is discharged into him.  He gets no st, but must make a Co check vs unconsciousness or death as applicable.
  5. Once the Poison has poisoned a Being, it remains in his body like any other Poison, and does not disappear on expiry of the Duration.
  6. Poisonous Animals or Monsters are typically resistant to Poison.
  7. Multiple Poisons are cumulative to Poison a Target.  If multiple Poison Spells are Cast on an object, they will stack in order of Casting for the Duration of each, and each will discharge in turn on causing DAM, starting with the earliest.  For example a dagger has 10 then 8PLs Cast on it: next time it causes >0 DAM it discharges 10PLs, the next time 8PLs.  If Multiple Blade Venom Spells are Cast on an object, they will be cumulative, and all will discharge at once on causing DAM.