Clerical Spell Specification

[1] Produce Flame

BTS: 50% (Co)

ULT: 5 hours

Materials: none

Actions: none

Word Spell

Effect of Throw: Produces flame of strength square root (T/5) HP FRD

T 01-04% produces a 0HP flame, sufficient to light a fire, but not to do Damage.

A maximum strength may be specified when Casting.

Duration: 6 t hours -t(t-1)/2

Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2


  1. Produces a flame that can be used e.g. to cast light or to start fires.
  2. The flame may be Cast (for no minus) at a specified point on a target Being or object (in which case it moves with the target, or in a fixed location (which may be in mid-air).  If Cast on a target Being, they get a st, and (whether they choose not to save or fail the st) the flame does them no Damage.
  3. The flame does its HP of Damage to anyone other than its target Being every second they touch it, subject to a st.
  4. It burns constantly for Duration without fuel.  Caster may extinguish it at will, but cannot then revive it.  It can also be extinguished by Extinguish Spells or effects.
  5. It can set fire to combustible materials, which will then burn normally.
  6. It illuminates with LI1 in a 30 ft Radius, as per the Light and Darkness system.  A flame of >=6HP produces LI2 in a 60 ft Radius, as per a torch.