Clerical Spell Specification
[1] Produce Flame
BTS: 50% (Co)
ULT: 5 hours
Materials: none
Actions: none
Word Spell
Effect of Throw: Produces flame of strength
square root (T/5) HP FRD
T 01-04% produces a 0HP flame, sufficient to light a fire, but not to do
A maximum strength may be specified when Casting.
Duration: 6 t hours -t(t-1)/2
Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2
- Produces a flame that can be used e.g. to cast light or to start
- The flame may be Cast (for no minus) at a specified point on a target
Being or object (in which case it moves with the target, or in a fixed
location (which may be in mid-air). If Cast on a target Being,
they get a st, and (whether they choose not to save or fail the st) the
flame does them no Damage.
- The flame does its HP of Damage to anyone other than its target Being
every second they touch it, subject to a st.
- It burns constantly for Duration without fuel. Caster may
extinguish it at will, but cannot then revive it. It can also be
extinguished by Extinguish Spells or effects.
- It can set fire to combustible materials, which will then burn
- It illuminates with LI1 in a 30 ft Radius, as per the Light
and Darkness system. A flame of >=6HP produces LI2 in a 60
ft Radius, as per a torch.