Clerical Spell Specification

[n] Sanctify Place / Consecrate Place / Desecrate Place / Song of Consecration: Place

Spell Level = (100 - (Current Usual B of God))

BTS: n/a

ULT: 9 hours

Materials: a Place worthy (in the God's eyes) of the Sanctification to be achieved.  This can involve building a Temple.

Actions: engage in rituals of the God in a ceremony of Sanctification, supported by the prayers of the congregation.  For Good Gods, Consecrate Place the Place should be blessed (for Song of Consecration: Place sing to the Place about the wonder of PAREL).  For Evil Gods, Desecrate Place requires a blood sacrifice of a Being worthy of the Sanctification to be achieved.  For Lawful Gods, specific rituals are prescribed.  For Chaotic Gods, a party may be held.

Effect of ThrowSanctification S%, where S = T/50 FRU, subject as follows:

  1. The Maximum Effective T that may be obtained is equal to the lowest Credit with God of any of the Caster and any other Joint Participants in the Request for the Spell, i.e. to achieve the maximum S +10% all Participants must have at least 500 Cr.  (The T of the Spell for other purposes is unaffected by this, but S is determined by the maximum Effective T.)

  2. If a Temple to the God is being Sanctified, S may be increased at the God’s discretion (or reduced at the God’s displeasure) by up to 2 times, depending on how well the Temples glorifies the God in order to attract new worshippers.  Only major Temples of the God receive the maximum 2 times modifier, but the result still depends on the S achieved by of the Sanctification Spell (e.g. only the High Temple of the God in a major population centre where the God is the most worshipped in that area is likely to be Sanctified to +20%).

  3. If the Temple being Sanctified is built around a Holy (or Unholy) Relic or Artefact of the God, S may instead be so increased by up to 2.5 times, depending on the uniqueness and power of the Relic or Artefact (e.g. the Temple of the Sun Diamond in Valdran is Sanctified to the maximum +25% to the Glory of SARAN).

  4. If an unenclosed space is Sanctified, S is halved (FRU).

Radius of Area Sanctified: 10r ft    -5r(r-1)/2 % centred on Caster

Where an enclosed space is Sanctified, the whole area enclosed must be within the Radius, or the Spell will fail, and the Sanctification Effect will be limited to the area enclosed (ignoring any openings such as doors, windows or an open roof).


  1. Sanctification is a permanent Effect giving +S% to B for all Clerical Requests made to the God to Whom the Place is Sanctified from that Place.   It does not Detect as Magic, as it causes the Place to be permanently recognised by the God as (un)holy rather than enchanting it with a Magical Effect.  The Place will however Detect as being of the God's Alignment.
  2. Clerical Requests to another God from that Place deduct half of S per point of Alignment difference (FRU) from B – see para 6.5 of the Clerical System.
  3. A Cleric or other Being with high Ft (make a Ft check) can feel the effect of Sanctification, though not the exact amount of S.  Sanctification to one's own God feels right and awe-inspiring.  Sanctification to another God feels off or wrong (depending on Alignment difference).
  4. Sanctification is not cumulative.  Only the highest S achieved so far has effect, but the existing Sanctification does modify B for further attempts.  The Temple may need to be improved and/or more worshippers attracted in order to justify a higher degree of Sanctification.
  5. A Place can only be Sanctified to one God.  If the Place to be Sanctified is already Sanctified to another God, the Radius must encompass the whole of the existing Sanctified ground.  Then modify B as per Note 2 when Casting, and then deduct S% from the existing % Sanctification.  If the result is positive or zero, the existing Sanctification is reduced to that amount.  If the result if negative, the Place is Sanctified to Caster's God by that amount.
  6. Song of Consecration: Place: (PAREL) is identical to Consecrate Place but requires a song to be sung by Caster(s) throughout Prayer and Incantation.