Clerical Spell Specification
[16] Symbol / Symbol of Peace / Note of Protection / Symbol of Harmony /
Symbol of Luck / Symbol of the Sun / Symbol of Light / Symbol of Chaos /
Symbol of the Moon
BTS: 80% (Wp)
ULT: 15 hours
Materials: writing materials, e.g. chalk / for
Evil Gods (optionally for Neutral Gods) blood is required
Actions: sketch Symbol of God with Materials / for
Evil Gods a blood sacrifice must first be made to produce Materials /
Note of Protection: sing the required note
Effect of Throw: T Level Points
Effect of Symbol: P =
permanent effect
Symbol of Fear |
-0% |
Symbol of Discord |
-10% |
Symbol of Sleep |
-20% |
Symbol of Stunning |
-40% |
Symbol of MadnessP |
-60% |
Symbol of DeathP |
-80% |
Symbol of Peace (FIDAR) / Note of Protection (PAREL) /
Symbol of Harmony (WACON):
Symbol of Fear |
-0% |
Symbol of Sleep |
-10% |
Symbol of Stunning |
-20% |
Symbol of PeaceP |
-40% |
Symbol of Luck (TIPRE) / Symbol of Chaos (DALA):
d10 |
Symbol of Discord |
-0% |
1 |
Symbol of Fear |
-10% |
2 |
Symbol of MadnessP |
-20% |
3 |
Symbol of Sleep |
-40% |
4 |
Symbol of Stunning |
-60% |
5 |
Symbol of DeathP |
-80% |
6 |
as Cast |
7-10 |
Each time Symbol of Luck or
Symbol of Chaos is triggered roll d10: the right-hand column above
indicates the Symbol Effect that is produced. If 7 to 10 is rolled,
the Effect is as specified when Casting. There is therefore a 50%
chance the Effect specified will be produced.
Symbol of the Sun (CAERULAS) / Symbol of Light (RAYLIT)
/ Symbol of the Moon (MIRIMI):
Symbol of Fear |
-0% |
Symbol of Blindness |
-10% |
Symbol of Sleep |
-20% |
Symbol of Stunning |
-40% |
Symbol of IncinerationP |
-10% per d6 Damage |
Symbol of DeathP |
-80% |
Radius of Effect: 10r feet -5r(r-1)/2%
Duration: t Cds -5t(t-1)/2%
- Produces a glowing representation of the God's Symbol. Note of Protection
is aural only, sounding with a continuous note.
- Symbol/Note exists simultaneously on Real, Ethereal and Astral Planes.
- Trigger condition may be set as "Anyone" or "Different
Alignment to Symbol" or "Hostile intent towards location /
defenders of Symbol" or as previously authorised by God in Commune.
- Anyone coming within Radius of Effect who satisfies Trigger Condition
(a "Target") causes Symbol to flash visibly (Note of
Protection changes pitch), and must make st vs defined Effect of Symbol. Each triggering of Symbol
reduces Level Points by Saving Level of Target. If Target saves,
but remains within Radius of Effect, he must make a further st every sec
until he fails his st or the Level Points of the Symbol are
exhausted. If Level Points < Target's Saving Level, the Symbol
flashes, Target does not have to make a st vs its Effect, and the
Duration ends.
- Observing a Symbol from outside its Radius of Effect does not trigger
the Symbol, but observing it via
Scrying Spells or Effects where the viewpoint is within the Radius of
Effect will cause it to trigger, targeting all such observers.
- Symbols are only visible on the Real if there is a line of sight to
them, but are triggered upon a Target entering Radius of Effect, even if
he can't see them. They are still effective even if Target is
blind or cannot see in current Light Intensity (he just won't see what
is causing him to make sts). Likewise, Note of Protection
is effective against the deaf or through the clamour of battle, but not
through a soundproof wall on the Real.
- Symbols/Notes are only visible/audible on the Ethereal and Astral from within their
Radius of Effect, irrespective of line of sight.
- Duration of non-permanent Effects = 1 MR per %age point by
which st failed
- Effect of Fear = flee from Symbol in terror
- Effect of Discord = argue violently with rest of party / behave
- Effect of Madness = one Level of Madness per 10% by which st
failed, in Alignment of God of Symbol
- Effect of Blindness = Sg reduced to 0, recovered evenly over Duration
of Blindness
- Effect of Peace = lay down any weapons and are
unwilling and unable to make any Fighter attack or kill anyone.
- Effect of Incineration = roll the d6s of Damage per triggering
of Symbol. If st made, make a further st vs half the Damage rolled
(FRD) and repeat until Damage taken or none left to take. Each st
subsequent to first does not reduce Level Points.
- Symbols of the Sun / Light / Moon flash to illuminate entire
Radius of Effect with LI 4 / 1 / 2.
- Note of Protection sounds audibly rather than flashing
visibly. It is effective against deaf Targets, just as other
Symbols are against blind Targets.