Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Planist

2. Scry / 3. Far Scry

BTS: n/a

ULT: 50 / 75 hours

Materials: a crystal ball, a gem, a piece of glass or a reflective surface (a mirror or a bowl or pool of water)

Actions: looks in target direction, and then blink eyes

Effect of Throw:

-4 to 5 / -2 to 7 Insanity

6 to 7 / 8 to 9 Hallucinate viewpoint

8 to 10 / 10 to 12 No Effect

11 to 15 Max. Distance ("D") = 5(T-10) ft / 13 to 17 Max. Distance ("D") = 50(T-12) ft

³16 D = 2(T-2) ft / ³18 D = 20(T-4) ft

Focussing Time: 2 seconds.    To reduce by t sec: - t(t+1)/2 (min 0 sec)

Observers:    N living observers    -2N    (in addition to Caster - must all be in physical contact)

Observable Radius:    30R / 60R ft    -(R-1)    (subject to normal limitations on visibility and any obstacles)

Duration:    30t sec / t min    -(t-1)

Max Speed:    t / 12t ft/sec    -t(t-1)/2    (Focussing Time applies again if move viewpoint at > half Max Speed)


  1. Scry / Far Scry allows the Caster and Observers to view a target location in the direction selected by the Actions.  The viewpoint appears in the Materials.
  2. The Caster may specify a distance to be viewed. If he does not or if D is less than specified, the target location is D ft in the selected direction. If D is greater than specified, the target location is the specified distance in the selected direction.
  3. The initial viewpoint is from the Caster's eye level when Casting.  The initial direction of view is looking away from the present location of the Caster.
  4. Scry is one-way only.  However, effects which allow those observed to be aware they are being viewed will apply normally.
  5. The Caster may rotate the direction of view in 3 dimensions from the viewpoint and/or move the viewpoint at up to Max Speed using heavy concentration.  The viewpoint may not be moved beyond Max Distance D.  No concentration is required for the Observers to see through the Scry (other than that normally required to observe things).
  6. The Caster may terminate the Scry before the end of the Duration by 1 sec's heavy concentration.
  7. Scrying to a viewpoint in a solid object results in a view of blackness (unless any of the Observers have X-Ray Vision).
  8. Scry is sight only (Other Senses may be added by Binding the Spell at +1 Spell Level per Sense) up to the limit of the Observable Radius, beyond which everything becomes an indecipherable blur.  Sight Spells and effects (including Thievish ones) may be used through a Scry viewpoint as if the range between the Materials and viewpoint were 0.  If the viewpoint is on another Plane, there is no penalty to the Sight Spell or effect.
  9. Spells may not be Cast through the Scry.  If a Spell is Cast which can legally target someone or something Scryed, Range is calculated as the actual physical distance from the Caster, with the appropriate minus.  For example, it would be possible to Cast Charm Person at a target in an adjacent room, using Scry for the necessary line of sight.
  10. A target location on another Plane may not be selected.  But Observers with Planewatch may see onto other Planes from the viewpoint.
  11. Focussing Time is the time for the viewpoint to come into focus on initial viewing or if it has been moved at more than half Max Speed.  The Observers are not disorientated.  It does count towards Duration.

See also the FAQ for Planist Spells